Aka no Ori*
Hentai Play
?? hope it gets more interesting
Gamushara Mob Rape 2 Chikan Jigoku Hen - Kuroko no Basuke DJ
Ore Dake Mi Nai to xx Shichau zo
it ok. the story line is just entertaining for me but otherwise isnt great
Boys Bad Romance!
i don't particularly enjoy the story itself, but this kinda masochist/sadist shit is rlly hot 2 me oopsies
Ore, higaisha
i won’t lie- i absolutely ABSOLUTELY adore the art style. it’s messy but so pretty at the same time- got that doodle-y feel while also being clean. as for the stories, they all make me go hrrrrrrrgh,,,, errrhhagg. they all feel enticingly depressing. like, i can’t tell if it’s the style or the fact that i’m reading this at 3 am, but they all leave me (except for ch 3) feeling so entirely hollow.... edit THREE YEARS LATER REREADING: i basically agree w/ my past self. i really really really resonate and like this mangaka's writing and artwork; it's genuinely so beautiful and their style is super lovely. that one panel in chap 4 gave me the same feelings as punpun and that's gotta say something. but the plots are just... i guess this is the degeneracy of yaoi, but even my past self was disturbed by it, the one who read the most awful stuff every day. just skip chapter 4; it's not even really a yaoi and putting it in a collection of such is just so deeply fucked up, truly. but the other ones are alright-ish (still pretty fucked though), especially chapter 1, i thought that couple was sorta cute?! you kind of have to read all of these with a grain of salt - there aren't any that feel wholesome in any sort of way other than chapter 3. but i think that's what the author was going for, so, shrug, idk. idk where i'm going with this. be carerful out there, folks!
Osanajimi ga Do M de Tsundere Nan Desu ga