Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo keeps me on this, without Gojo on the latest arc, and with multiple deaths, I'm feeling kinda lazy with this manga but I'm still reading this anyway. Yeah, I'm pathetic. I'm still waiting for Gojo's comeback tho.
Kimetsu no Yaiba
That was a hell of a roller coaster ride with the squad. I'm looking forward on the animation, especially the final arc. Looking at how good the present animation is, i'd say its okay to expect a lot, after all Ufotable never let us down.
Tokyo Revengers
Full of handsome delinquents, and has a badass female character in the last arc. [edited] who says Mikey is adorable? Yeah, were damn wrong. Read up to the last arc and realized that Mikey might be a game changer but not what we thought he is. So yeah, manage your expectations, everyone!
The third perspective
Sayonara Sorcier
Well if it's about an artist, it is expected to be a gloomy story with a tragic ending but, this is really saddening. I don't know how to put my feelings towards this manga into words but I hope people will come read it too.
All You Need Is Kill
Sweet Home
"Inside each of us is a monster; inside each of us is a saint. The real question is which one we nurture the most, which one will smite the other." - Jodi Picoult What a classic manhwa. But just so you know, I won't watch the Netflix adaptation because that would mean that I'll accept the deaths of some characters and changes in the adaptation. This has an open ending but, I kinda like how it is, so I'll leave it as it is.
Chainsaw Man