The manga centers on Jouichirou Shishido, a 19-year-old man whose frank honesty has cost him 26 part time jobs. One night, he runs into a group of muscular bodyguards who protect the streets at night, members of a private security firm known as "Tokyo Fist," which ends up changing his life.
Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband
Immortal Tatsu is an ex-yakuza who’s given up violence for making an honest man of himself - but is it still possible for a devoted stay-at-home husband to get into a few scrapes?
Tokyo Revengers
Takemichi is a 26-year-old unemployed virgin who learns that the girl he dated in middle school, the only girl he ever dated has died. Then, after an accident he finds himself in a time leap back to his middle school years. He vows to change the future and save the girl, and to do that he aims to rise to the top of the Kantou region's most brutal delinquent gang.
Out (Makoto Mizuta)