Secret Therapy
I love the story! I wish we have more side stories and lovey-lovey scenes from both Hyun and Jaesung!
Voice of Love
Gosh I love them so much! Jiho and Soohan! Side stories please
Social Temperature
My adorable babies! Xiao Mu!! Please I want to see them kiss!
Faded First Love
This manga deserves the high ratings it has! Definitely funny and heartwarming love story! Thank you so much author for creating this masterpiece! Love you Aoki and Ida! Also Hashimoto and Aida
Robber x lover
It deserves the rating it has!!! The characters have a good dynamic The fluffiness I can’t Ji ho and Dojin I wanna see sum hot scenes
Life Senjou no Bokura
I cried a river how can I smile from the first chapters and cry for the remaining ones! HUHUHUHU
Yankee Ω wa Kemono Ou-sama no Mono!
Omg I'm so hooked to this manga! More updates pls!
Keeper of the Pearl
Wow this is so wholesome and awesome! I love the focus on the children nearing the end of the side stories! Will definitely reread this! So much love Ji Yeon, Jae Moon, JaeHyun, JaeHye, and JaeHyuk <3
Kekkon Shite Kudasai!
Omg I can finally ___ at peace! LUV THE COUPLE’S DYNAMIC! Also the family, I wanna see the family—Seiri and his siblings pls
Heat and Run