werewolf yakuza heir student x assistant teacher brother story to yokujou
Wild City
this was.... absolutely awful. the art is so beautiful but the plot is one of the most frustrating garbage things i've ever had to get through. i seriously just wanted everyone to die so it would be over. the first 3/4 are melodramatic but fine, some ridiculously tedious manufactured drama but w/e. but the last arc is the worst thing i've ever tried to read by far. went from a meh-not great webtoon to a horrifically awful webtoon. never again
Invite A Wolf Into The House
sequel to yakuza x werewolf they're doing so well and have adorable little pups i'm dying
Fukujuu to Amagami
vet who is a total pervert x werewolf boy who has a praise kink even tho he's totally not a dog he swears
The Heart of Red Cloak
cursed werewolf who's clumsily falling in love x red hood, who can't feel fear but wants to be loved -salvatore owns a lil dog that haaates the wolf lol -salvatore was born a twin to the red cloaks who can only have girls, so he was abandoned -if a wolf eats a red cloak's heart their eternal starvation curse will end -except this wolf ends up having sex w/ salvatore -salvatore forms a contract w/ the wolf -some dude called crescent?? has been getting salvatore's love but doesn't give any himself -wolf is falling in love w/ salvatore but ofc it's complicated -gretel the baker is a witch looking after salvatore
Kaoru Kemono
vampire adoptive brother x werewolf adopted brother (x werewolf childhood friend)
Beware of Demons
werewolf w/ crazy mafia cage fight ring dad x demon (latent, split) quiet nerd
Yarisugi Party Night