Rakuen No Ori
1: yakuza(?) boss blind in one eye x black leopard fighter 2: yakuza x detective (dated in school) 3: guardian x orphan
Love Prism
Private Lessons
Blood Bank
"human" blood banker who's really the only half vampire and has special attributes x vampire lord who's "abnormal" (an M lol) they end up meeting by chance when the vampire wants a human who isn't influenced by his pheromones so they can do BDSM stuff. things uh escalate extremely and it turns into a sociopolitical intrigue/uprising story huh. huuuuuh. huh. that was not what i was expecting at all. the sex scenes hilariously paled in comparison to the crazy plots for revolution (french style) even tho bdsm was the main plot lmao also everyone and their mother was in love with mc's dad. literally everyone. so they overthrew society.
Kabukichou Bad Trip
popular model and secret S mizuki x popular host and mizuki fan tooru
Hard Core Heart