Ao no Exorcist dj - Seijuuji Gakuen Kitan
The Man in the Mirror
Waiting for Dawn in the Arms of a Beast
I wish the rape wasn't excused or forgotten, but with that as an exception, the story was very sweet. I wish it was longer to see their personalities and relationship develop, but I did enjoy reading this.
Silver Wolf Cries in Full Moon
Can't believe it's 2022 and people still can't read. SHOTACON is smut including little boys. Don't like? Don't read. You were warned in the genre tags. The characters are pixels, not living creatures; they can't hurt you and they can't feel pain. Remember: fiction does not define reality. We don't necessarily want the things we read about. Shotacon readers and writers aren't pedophiles and if you can't understand that, you need to brush up your knowledge on the purpose of literature, reading comprehension, and psychology. Story is 1 star because it's just sex pollen and extreme devotion. Not long enough to develop anything like character, plot, or romance. Essentially a PWP (Porn Without Plot).
Mo dao zu shi - incense burner [香炉] dj
Just like the extra chapter! Wish the official donghua had a kiss or confession though
It's cool at the start, but then drags on a bit too much. All the women die (and I don't really know how to feel about that), but their interest in the MC is annoying so I guess it's a good riddance? Chapter 50 arc is a bit boring compared to the past arcs.
Ao no Exorcist dj - Make Love