The Emperor's Erection Project
Chp30 lol that was hilarious! That's a mini size baseball bat ! It's an enjoyable read.
A Sip of Poison
Chp38 Aww, they met way back in childhood, so cute! I like the ML dirty talk everytime he tease FL hehe~ Karma came biting her crazy ass mother. She deserved it & good riddance! Aww man, I was hoping to see them both with kids in the time skip . Well, at least they're happy now. It was a good read!
Bedroom Of Pleasure
Chp18 Well, at least they make it right now.
Kill My Husband
Chp62 It's been awhile seeing invisible dick & missing nipple lol. The story drag out too much & I'm just waiting for the part when the thrash duke get killed.
Insanely Talented Player
Chp13 It was a bit confusing. Hopefully they show more of his backstory & progress or even a plot if the story in future.
Predator Marriage
Chp40 Holy moly, this is 1 fine art & damn sexy chocolate son of gun!! But why the freaking lightsaber FML!!
Baby Tyrant
Return of the Martial Arts Genius
Chp28 Not bad, waiting for more!
Our Masquerade of Love