Moe Kare
This is a must read for people who love - love triangles with Great Plots!!! It's great, has a really good main female character, memorable story as well as characters, and many great things about this manga <3 ^^
Pet Shop of Horrors
I really loved this manga!! :D it's one of my favorites when it comes to dark themed manga with the supernatural aspect included. It was so good, and the various characters were always interesting to read about. Including the various cases and the different situations. Count D's character I thought was really good and kind of cute in a way :) This series has a dark theme, and sometimes ends decently. However, this does get a bit bloody and violent, though that depends of the case/situation. The very idea of Count D's pet shop is very interesting. There are some characters that show up more than once other than Count D, but not a lot. Many times, they introduce different pets, yet if/when they do get returned they show that pet's relationship with Count D. This manga also has many facts about different species of animals, as well as mythical ones. But to truly understand, you must enter this exotic pet shop yourself.
Hana to Akuma