Yamete Kudasai, Mabushii Desu.
Cute shy boi falls in love with the popular pretty boi. Here we got some supportive frends and adorable first love romaanceee
Yamete Kudasai, Koishii Desu.
Sequeell ~~ the story about a cyclical closed type and the always worries type. MELABS
Almond o Nanatsubu
one of those rebound love story and breaking up then dissing on the seme but they still end up with each otherrr ~~
Natsu ni Tokeru Himitsu no Koi
Kimi no Yume o Mite Iru
Sweet tragic love with a beautiful ending ~
Lotus Eater
A seme who feels love for a uke who swore to mever love a bi.
Suki tte Iu na!
Student council pres suddenly confesswd to uke after an accident.
Perfect World (aruga Rie)
FCK. Screw my 8am lecture cuz I read this until 3am. NO RAGRETS. Veey good drama and romance about an unrequited love that got re-encountered but with a twist that the guy is in a wheelchair. Lotsa drama buta good drama. Heart clenching and also teaches strength. OOF I N E E D T O S L E E P F U C K M Y L I F E
Yasashii Pantsu no Nugasekata