69 Street, Tomorrow Island
I NEED ANOTHER SEQUEL 3, 4, 5, 6 they ended up happy *kiss love
Yuri!!! on Ice dj: Love x Ree x Baby
OMG THIS IS JUST LITERALLY SUPER ADORABLE, IT CONTAINED COMPILATION OF SHORT STORY ABOUT YUUVIC MARRIAGE LIFE AND AS AN ALPHA-OMEGA PARENTS this is the first book series list : 1. Yuuri on Ice dj - Love x Ree x Baby 2. Yuuri on Ice dj - Rinya no Natsuyasumi 3. Yuuri on Ice dj - 4. Yuuri on Ice dj - Smile
Yuri!!! on Ice dj: Rinya no Natsuyasumi
OMG THIS IS JUST LITERALLY SUPER ADORABLE, IT CONTAINED COMPILATION OF SHORT STORY ABOUT YUUVIC MARRIAGE LIFE AND AS AN ALPHA-OMEGA PARENTS this is the 2nd book series list : 1. Yuuri on Ice dj - Love x Ree x Baby 2. Yuuri on Ice dj - Rinya no Natsuyasumi 3. Yuuri on Ice dj - 4. Yuuri on Ice dj - Smile
Yuri!!! on Ice dj: Smile
OMG THIS IS JUST LITERALLY SUPER ADORABLE, IT CONTAINED COMPILATION OF SHORT STORY ABOUT YUUVIC MARRIAGE LIFE AND AS AN ALPHA-OMEGA PARENTS this is the 4th book series list : 1. Yuuri on Ice dj - Love x Ree x Baby 2. Yuuri on Ice dj - Rinya no Natsuyasumi 3. Yuuri on Ice dj - 4. Yuuri on Ice dj - Smile
Kiss me, Liar
seme : keith pittman uke : yeon woo 4 : keith's colleague almost raped yeon woo. and when he tried to self defend, keith blamed him. and so yeon woo quits his job as keith's secretary 5 : keith came to yeon woo's house and asked him to work again as his secretary. and he behaved like a nice boy.. i hate him actually. and then suddenly he kissed our yeon woo Fuck u 7 : i think keith begin to fall in love with yeon woo. he keeps on kissing him and now he asked him to live together with him like BITCHHH???? I FCKIN HATE U 10 : grayson miller's pheromones awaken yeonwoo's panicked attach and keith is there to help him. yeonwoo burst out crying upon smelling keith's pheromones 11 : yeonwoo gave keith a massage 13 : keith kissed yeonwoo to calmed him cuz he cried when thinking that he couldn't save keith from getting stabbed 16 : the prolog of keith who got jealous over hearing the new treatment provided by the doctor to made yeonwoo smell another person's pheromones 17-19 : our smexy time 21 : smexy again 23 : another smexy 25 : keith got back from trip and he already kissing another woman 26 : yeonwoo didn't want to have sex but keith forced him to using his pheromones. after he done, yeonwoi said that he would leave the mansion in morning and won't be having any sex with keith anymore. 27 : YESSS MY BABY YEONWOO GOT BACK AT THAT PIECE OF SHIT KEITH, SJDBJDBD IM LIVING FOR YEONWOO'S SAVAGE BEHAVIOR 29 : anyway I'm pretty sure that the kind of dizzy and didn't able to eat was a sign of the MORNING SICKNESS YASH A BABY IS COMING why is keith always getting worked up.on something as simple as seeing yeonwoo talk with other guy. yeonwoo is not his RIGHT??!? 30 : keith keep on forcing yeonwoo to have sex with him. while yeonwoo trying his best to reject keith's pheromones, he bit his own right hand wrist and that made keith got panicked. after that he passed out and his (yeonwoo's) pregnancy news is out. and this mf keith here is throwing a tantrum cuz he sure that the child is his 31 : he proposed to uri yeonwoo but with a mindset that sex with him is good, still a bastard will be a bastard anytime 32-33 : yeonwoo got plans to revenge on keith because he keep on hurting him and even made him pregnant and then forgetting the whole thing. 34 : smexy and yeonwoo's time to get his revenge, now he choose to leave after his plans got through and success 35 : Keith got crazy and put yeonwoo's face all over the news 36 : a great good firefighter came in rescue, he is ordered by joshua (emma's omega brother) to came and save yeonwoo from all the gift hunter btw this firefighter's name is dane striker, HE'S HOT 38 : keith found yeonwoo 39 : keith took yeonwoo back to his arms after soo many drama between 40-44 and yeonwoo almost death, finally we got 46 : keith's rut, together with yeonwoo but this time is a whole consensual sex 47 : the baby is born 48 : the baby (spencer) had gotten quite big and yeonwoo want became a rich daddy too im on 48
Papa Datte, Shitai
15, 30, 31, 32, 33, 59, 60, 68, 71, 74, 84, 89, 90, 74 : holy frickin' hot naruse keiichi is illegal 84 : i need more kotatsu scene im on 113
Do You Still Like Me?
Kedamono Arashi
seme : kijima sougo uke : miyaji akira >> a world where human and beast human coexist together. a beast children could be born from a normal human parents. an in beast humans a child could be born from same sex intercourse 1 : their first smexy 2 : the seme's rut 3 : meeting coincidentally in holiday 4 : the uke's heat, he's preggo in first try 5 : actually an extra chapter. anyway the baby is here, his name is shouta. AND I SEE HOUSE HUSBAND MATERIAL IN SHOUGO'S WAY OF TAKING CARE OF SHOUTA sequels : 1st sequel : kedamono arashi 2nd sequel : kedamono arashi kiss me baby 3rd sequel : kedamono arashi hug me baby 4th sequel : kedamono arashi hold me baby 5th sequel : kedamono arashi touch me baby
Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
kedamono arashi is a series this is the 2nd sequel 1st sequel : kedamono arashi 2nd sequel : kedamono arashi kiss me baby 3rd sequel : kedamono arashi hug me baby 4th sequel : kedamono arashi hold me baby 5th sequel : kedamono arashi touch me baby now they've married and having a baby named shouta 1 : it's the fluffy comfy family hug for me 2 : its kissy time, made sure shouta can't see you guys 3 : okay first problem solved, there's no any 3rd person. AND I SEE SECOND BABY CHANCE 4 : extra chapter, daddy is just too charming, and shouta wants the nutt neko doll 5-6 is a another story (I'm so sorry but I don't want to read it)
The Alpha's Bride