Megumi and Tsugumi
Never read/reread. This is absolutely disgusting. 90% of this is people bring sexually assaulted, r*8, and talking about r*8. It's not representation of real life issues, but instead it talks bout sexual assault as if it's a common, every day thing that people just do. It doesn't express how much of a fucking disgusting sickening life threatening act it is. The first time they had intercourse was obviously not mutual, considering he literally said "stop" and then his best friend fucking tries to r*8 him and they brushed it off like nothing. That is a fucking disgusting way to love the plot along and make the character realize he was jealous. Fucking sickening.
BL in the Dungeon?!
I'm both traumatized and in shock. The ending was cute but damn- I hope I trauma block every second of this book
This is actually the worst fucking thing I've ever seen. Ya'lls standards have hit the fucking floor. Who fucking cares if he's conventionally attractive? He's a rapist. He's the most disgusting fucking piece of shit to walk the fictional planes of bl manga. If they end up together, this manga is supporting rape, sexual harassment, stockhold syndrome, and delusion just as much as the people who are okay with this fucker's actions. And this is coming from a person who can overlook a lot of things. But this is unforgivable. I'm highly convinced this is some sort of psychological story, not romance. If it was, it would be the WORST fucking romance ever imagined into existence. I hope that poor delusional kid runs away, heals, realizes how piece of shit that person was, and find moves the fuck on. I'm absolutely distraught in how people are reacting to this story. Please. Stop. Get help. Stop supporting fucking rape. I cannot stress that enough. If I could erase that shit from fictional existence, I would.
A Beloved Villain
It's hard to keep up with what's happening. I'm just not gonna finish it. From the very beginning, it was immediately a ripoff of another manga.
Love Level Up
His body his rules but I'm not into the common "top sleeps around and doesn't listen to the bottom when he says slow down or no". Plus, who the hell sleeps with someone who's obviously drunk?! Control yourself. That's r**e. It's disgusting.
Hosik's story
This is disgusting. Inconsequential intercourse while intoxicated is horrific. The fact that his friend doesn't care at all is disgusting.
Complex Jijou
Wow that went down hill so fast. I wanted some nice story about two rivals figuring out more about each other and relating to each other after a misunderstanding. It went DOWNHILL F A S T. I should have known better. What kind of misunderstanding is this..
Marriage of Convenience