Free! dj - Kigatsukeba Kagayaku Hodo no
Mizu No Haru
4,5 c'était trop chou, ya l'histoire des parents aussi j'avais pas capté que c'était eux à la base, ils sont mimi aussi en fait on sent que tout le monde s'aime sincèrement ahhh bref c'est beau
Mayoke no Darling
je l'ai lu rapidement j'ai sauté des passages mais overall c'était fluffy cute le uke est trop chou
Hinadori wa Shiokaze ni Madoromu
4,5 it was a beautiful story I liked the pace and the characters' development!! Oh and the friend's mom was super cool I love it when there are great women in yaoi, how they solved the kids' fight for example was sooo refreshing, I liked ayumu too, his relationship with yuuichi and ryou were well-developed, and I also liked a lot the main characters' relationship I think they're really compatible and cute, especially ryu his childish/needy side is adorable I find his possessiveness really sweet instead of the overbearing one common in yaoi, he's just the right amount of sexy :p
Soredemo Kamawanai