Gusugem's manga / #tragedy(1)

A Stepmother's Märchen

Ongoing | orka | 2019 released
2022-05-01 09:15 marked

3.5/5. I like the story overall and she is a strong woman in how she bears loneliness, every misunderstanding and insult silently but I have some complaints. All those nicknames given to her in the past life, y were they even given? She's not even a strong character. Strong woman, yes but not a strong character. Even in the second life, she doesn't at all seem like someone who has already lived a life. She just seems super normal like any other teenager trying to push through life. But I don't hate it. It's good. Rather, what I dislike is the foreshadowing of possible pseudo incest. It seems to me that the elder one has feelings for her and it makes things so weird. Even the second one seems weird. I signed up for a happy familial relationship. Not this. And I absolutely love Nora. Even his family problems r similar to mine *sob* my fav character in the series