TW: r*pe, torture, violence, rough s3x, dr*gged, bl00d, d3ath . . . Pls be warned, this is one classic example of p0rn without plot, pls be careful of the warnings since it's outright r*pe. It's really short, wouldv loved it if they explored the story more and not ended it in 4 chapters. Couldv been a good psychological maybe.
Dark Fall
TW: r@pe, s3xual ab*se, violence (explanation below cuz it contains spoilers), this is what i would call r*pe without plot, very dark so don't read if you're not prepared. Buckle up for a ride bcuz this sh!t is Harada level of f*cked up. . . (Contains spoilers: i put violence in tag bcuz of the collar that Deus gave Leon (MC). Because this story is so graphic, I really won't recommend this for people who aren't used to this genre. We weren't even given proper plot, just jumped straight to the p0rn. I just want to know more about their backstories, why they're doing what they're doing so I'm sticking around. I do want Leon to have some satisfying ending at least, cuz no matter how evil he may have been (if he was indeed evil) he didnt deserve to be made into a baby maker toy. Waiting for more chapters, it would be nice if we get more story building and get to know the world they're in.
The Seven Wolf Princes and the Little Lamb
Free in Dreams
Snipers just had to ruin it for all of us i hope yalls pillow are cold on both sides i hope yall step on a lego goddammit fuck
Kill the Lights