Isagi,the master at insulting everyone anyway the story is pretty good, art is gorge as heck,ain't gonna lie it give me the hype similar to action manga everytime there's a match
I Hated It Even More
For me It's pretty good so far the art is pretty,the character especially our MC parents is really annoying and a piece of shit but I'm rooting for our MC and her sister to have a nice bond BC I feel feel bad for both of them,some of you guys might find our MC sister annoying because of her naivety and finally our MC is not a weak will character she's pretty smart and mentally strong there's also this one love interest and I genuinely hope they end up together
Juujika no Rokunin
Is this story good? Hell yeah if you're bored but like I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who is uncomfortable or is not good with story that involves extremely graphic gore, torture, S@, Assault and dead etc...
LMFAO the translation is hilarious,the story is wild as fuck the bond between the characters is just muah I would definitely recommend this
There Is No Place for Fakes