A wholesome read even though there’s a massive age gap between them the story manages to seemingly make it work by the characters being pure And both sides having a mature mind set and understand each other . This manga is set of in a historical era so it makes sense for the age gap but if it was more of a modern take then ….. sweet home Alabama~
Sekine-kun no Koi
I loved it the plot was great I love how he didn’t second guess his own feelings to hide it or something and tried his best which was really out of character about him but that just shows that he has grown and have come to understand his emotions for example like when he cried he thought about it and processed it and all these developments where mostly him trying and learning and Sara just giving him that reassuring little push which is refreshing to see . Although he might not be recovered from his past trauma he tried his best Everything was naturally pasted and felt realistic . Wish there was more chapters though with the relationship we only got 1ch but I’m not mad .
Hirunaka No Ryuusei
I honestly don’t really know how I feel exactly about this series it was unique and exiting to see her development but I personally can’t read this a second time knowing what will happen it wasn’t really for me but I appreciate the authors twist on this story and where she was coming from.
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet