The story was slightly a drag in the beginning with a very outused "I've got feelings for you but I won't tell you until the point where one or both of us gets hurt" trope, however the beautiful art made it worth pressing through the first couple of chapters. I feel like the ending was rushed maybe, there were one or two loose strings I would have liked to have seen get addressed, one huge one is with Hyera. She obviously has feelings for Yu-na that was thrown at the readers out of nowhere, addressed once, and then never brought up again, I would have loved to see more interactions with them both working through that obsession of Hyeras and potentially making up or parting ways once everything was out in the open. Hopefully there will be side chapters addressing this more and peering more into Hyeras background and giving us more clarity as to why she was so obsessed with Yu-na. Overall, I really started enjoying this manhwa nearing the middle and end, phenomenal art, beautiful character designs, and exciting storytelling (even with a cliché trope). Glad to see this artist get so popular from this and I hope to see more from them in the future.
Bad Thinking Diary