Sweet Little Devil
It's been at least 10 years since the last time I've read something by this author, and going back and rereading Sweet Little Devil now gave me so much nostalgia! Now that I comprehend more of this story, it really is so much more than smut. These characters are so well thought out and deeply rooted to one another to the last detail. After all these years, I was hoping to get another series of Ristuko and Sayo in their adult life with the possibility of going overseas to get married, but I guess that will just be something I think of when I fall asleep now lol. I forgot how much I enjoyed reading this series, how those soft spoken pillow talk scenes really made my heart skip. Despite this being an old manga, it's a fantastic read, I'm glad I was able to stumble across it again.
Sadistic Beauty: Side Story
I can't believe I never left a review on this, I'm glad I finally came back to reread it because this is likely one of the best side stories I've seen. Not too many stories really wrap up side characters by giving them their own story, and most of them are never as good as this one. When I realized this story was about Gyerin, I nearly cried! Out of all the characters, she was my favorite and the one most deserving of love in this series. I was so nervous thinking she might end up with Duna so the excitement I felt knowing her ending would be wrapped up in this side story sent me over the moon! Gyerin was honestly the only character in the story who had any real development and personality. Sure, she was clingy, but not nearly as insufferable as the male lead. After reading the main story and both side stories (yeesh on that yaoi side story) Gyerin and Juyeons was really the only relationship I could 100% stand behind that made the most sense to me. I'm so happy she got her good ending, I love how they wrapped up her tale because at the end of the day, she really was the only character (who got hurt) worth caring about.
Caught Feelings for My Sex Friend
Really cute but dangerous concept for a story, let alone a one-shot. That "we both have feelings for each other but neither of us will make the first move to avoid getting hurt" trope is EXTREMELY outplayed in yuris to the point where it's hard to make a good story because the readers always know that to expect, but I have to admit, I really liked how it was tackled in this story. I'm positive it's just because this is a one-shot story, but the fact that these two characters didn't end up hurting one another by dancing around their feelings and not unintentionally doing or saying something that the other person got hurt by really struck me. Makes for a slightly less interesting story, but nonetheless it wasn't a bad read. The art was very cute, would love to see more from this author in the future.
Her Pet
Very cute story. I liked the concept of where the story was headed, but it's still a little difficult to grasp. I understand the whole "pet" situation, but I didn't feel like this would ever happen, even in a manhwa. The build up between Soha and Gayoon could have been so much better to where it could have lead up to the pet/master relationship after they got closer, but ideally, I don't see that relationship just happening over the simple fact that Gayoon favored her dog. Personally, that would have made the story better in my honest opinion. Regardless, I loved Gayoon's and Soha's characters, they fit hand in hand with one another. One relationship I'm still sort of on the fence about is Sol's and Soo's. Felt a little forced for the sake of love. I'm a little disappointed with Yurim's character, I might be the only one with this option, but I did like her as a character. I'm so glad we got to look at most of the side characters background and see who they were before all of this, and Yurim's character just hit harder to me than anyone's. She was always in the spotlight, always praised, always placed on this pedestal where everyone put her to the point where she started truly thinking she was special- until she wasn't. And when she fell down, she fell down hard. Lost almost all her friends, got suspended, got picked on, rumors spread about her, and she really did try to be the bigger person in the beginning. Does this justify her bullying Gayoon? Absolutely not, but her character didn't get half the justice everyone else got when it came to redemption. For that, I had to give 4 stars. She's been through a lot and hurt people hurt people, I hate that her story closed without her being redeemed when she clearly deserved it, but I can at least get satisfaction in knowing she tried her best with the fight between her and Soha and she accepted her defeat. She at least got closure on that. Overall, this is a very good, albeit, weird story of overcoming troubles, learning to move on, and accepting love. The characters were written incredibly well and the chapters are pretty much all entertaining in terms of drama or action. Definitely worth the read.
Encirclement Love
This was such a cute yaoi, which is saying a lot coming from someone as obsessed with yuri as I am. Loved each and every character introduced, but just slightly underwhelmed with how the story was led. The concept was a little lost on me, I was disappointed that that was the way they wanted to lead into the relationship portion of the story, but nonetheless, it was still extremely entertaining to read through. Loved the characters, loved the tone, and loved the pairings. This author does some very good yaois and huge props for making such great characters without the need of debt or rªpe culture.
Watashi no Shumi tte Hen Desu ka?
It's hilariously entertaining, that's as nice as I can put it lol. Very... erm... incommensurable story, just not the type of story style I enjoy. Despite the length of it, it felt like something made for the fantasy of men than it did yuri. I don't know, I can't really articulate well how reading this made me feel. Uncomfortable? Awkward? It was just so outlandish, like something out of a 90's porno or something, I can't really express it any other way. Not the type of yuri I like to read, but the characters were cute and the artwork is really nice. A lot of people seemed to enjoy reading this, but the only reason I managed to read through it all is simple because it only had 8 chapters. Don't think I could have tolerated it if it was longer. I liked this authors other story, I just couldn't really get behind this one.
Cheerful Amnesia
Too cute for words! This is the kind of yuri I eat up! Everything was done so perfectly! From the story to the art, down to the characters and their traits, this was definitely a 10 out of 10 for me! I try to leave at least one honest critique for every thing I read, but for the life of me, I can't think of a single thing that I think could have been done better with this manga. I may be hyping this up more than I should, but it's been such a long time since I've read such a wholesome, sweet, and funny yuri with such great characters, especially one that can be this popular and not have to rely on sex scenes or fan service. Great work, great writing, fantastic read, this will be one that'll be on my reread list for sure.
The Name of my Feelings
A well written yuri about a younger sister who is secretly in love with her older sister. While I can't say the premise of the story was anything original, it definitely was an entertaining read. I was a bit disappointed with how the ending played out though because I never really bought that sleeping cliché where they think they're still dreaming so they do whatever they want to the S/O. Sorry, regardless of how tired someone is, that's just not believable and makes for lazy writing, I believe. Still though, I had to give it 5 stars, maybe out of favoritism, because I really love this author and all of their works and despite the clichés, this still was a great read and a wonderfully written oneshot. Would absolutely recommend to anyone looking for something quick and spicy to read.
Ring my Bell
Not gonna lie, I really slept on this manhwa. I remember reading 2 or 3 chapters years ago and couldn't make it any farther because I didn't think the story was that interesting but I'm glad I gave it another change (even if it was years late). It's not that I thought the story was boring or anything, just that there wasn't much excitement that made me want to keep reading, but as I kept clicking chapter after chapter, I noticed how wholesome their story was. Outside of the drama or conflict, this felt like a genuine, real, and relatable story about two women who really love one another. These characters felt real, which is something I don't say frequently when I'm reading webtoons. Although it does start off a little slow and irratic, watching the progression and passion of the two main characters easily made this series a top 10 for me. Definitely consider giving it a read if you like simple and sweet stories.
Finding Assistant Manager Kim