Watashi no Shumi tte Hen Desu ka?
It's hilariously entertaining, that's as nice as I can put it lol. Very... erm... incommensurable story, just not the type of story style I enjoy. Despite the length of it, it felt like something made for the fantasy of men than it did yuri. I don't know, I can't really articulate well how reading this made me feel. Uncomfortable? Awkward? It was just so outlandish, like something out of a 90's porno or something, I can't really express it any other way. Not the type of yuri I like to read, but the characters were cute and the artwork is really nice. A lot of people seemed to enjoy reading this, but the only reason I managed to read through it all is simple because it only had 8 chapters. Don't think I could have tolerated it if it was longer. I liked this authors other story, I just couldn't really get behind this one.
Cheerful Amnesia
Too cute for words! This is the kind of yuri I eat up! Everything was done so perfectly! From the story to the art, down to the characters and their traits, this was definitely a 10 out of 10 for me! I try to leave at least one honest critique for every thing I read, but for the life of me, I can't think of a single thing that I think could have been done better with this manga. I may be hyping this up more than I should, but it's been such a long time since I've read such a wholesome, sweet, and funny yuri with such great characters, especially one that can be this popular and not have to rely on sex scenes or fan service. Great work, great writing, fantastic read, this will be one that'll be on my reread list for sure.
Ring my Bell
Not gonna lie, I really slept on this manhwa. I remember reading 2 or 3 chapters years ago and couldn't make it any farther because I didn't think the story was that interesting but I'm glad I gave it another change (even if it was years late). It's not that I thought the story was boring or anything, just that there wasn't much excitement that made me want to keep reading, but as I kept clicking chapter after chapter, I noticed how wholesome their story was. Outside of the drama or conflict, this felt like a genuine, real, and relatable story about two women who really love one another. These characters felt real, which is something I don't say frequently when I'm reading webtoons. Although it does start off a little slow and irratic, watching the progression and passion of the two main characters easily made this series a top 10 for me. Definitely consider giving it a read if you like simple and sweet stories.
I like the concept of a short story like this and I love how funny the chapters were, however I didn't know it was the authors own personal life. If her life was anything like what was portrayed in the webcomic... then I feel incredibly sad for her lol. Comedy points aside, no one should have to endure being hit in a relationship repeatedly. I would have loved to see this webcomic become more popular because I do love the comedic portions and it's something I would have gladly paid money for if it were available in a bookstore. Not sure if the rumor about the author and her girlfriend breaking up is true or false, but I do hope she comes back to address this webcomic at least once more to give these two an ending.
We Are in Love So Much We Laugh
I love these two. I remember buying a copy of I Love You So Much I Hate You, and immediately fell in love with the artwork and story. I'm so glad the author continued their lives together through these side stories, they've been such a pleasure to read. I love light hearted, down to earth, relatable stories like these with such great characters. Highy recommend checking out I Love You So Much I Hate You if you haven't already. Really, anything by this author I would highly recommend, but these two drive it home for me.
So, Do You Wanna Go Out, Or?
A beautiful, breathtaking story about two women who had to learn to love and lose. Seiko was such a great character, strong, determined, steadfast, someone who knew what she want and when she wanted it. Having paired her with someone like Miwa, someone so timid and insecure and unsure of herself nearly broke my heart when Seiko admitted that Miwa was the strong one in their relationship. It really opened my eyes to how Seiko truly saw herself. She was the weak one, afraid of getting hurt or being let down so she set up these barriers to keep herself safe. I fell absolutely in love with this manga, the characters, the artwork, even the sidee characters. Everyone had such intricate stories and relationships and it only stands to reason that not every relationship is going to be perfect, not even with the person you're destined to be with. I loved seeing Seiko and Miwa grow and develop throughout this story, both becoming better versions of themselves, versions they knew the other needed. 10 out of 10 story for me.
Tami and the Yukionna