OnlyMes's manga / #Yuri(73)

For Garbage

Ongoing | 김종건,Kim Jong Geon | 2000 released

I liked Jia's character. The design and personality went really well together, my only critique is how slow the story went from the point of revenge to it actually happening-which I get why the author did it that way, but I felt like the reveal should have been just as detailed. It felt just a little lackluster to have so many chapters dedicated on when, how, and why revenge would be happening only for it to be dwindle by a few chapters of it actually happening. Felt like that "sweet revenge dessert" wasn't even a main point of the story anymore to have it finish so quickly once her husband actually found out/ when unnie asked for the divorce. The ending felt rushed, but I'm still very excited for the side stories. I'd love to see more of the side characters and where their lives went after everything that's happened.

Moonlight Garden (Kang Unnie)

Complete | Kang Unnie,MissPM | 2017 released

AAAAHHHHHH! This manhua is so freaking cute! I loved It all! There wasn't one bad chapter! And if it's one thing I appreciate more than anything when it comes to a good story is the twists! Couldn't have written it better if they tried! It's these types of reads that makes you want to keep coming back waiting for the next update because you're so eager to know what's going to happen next! This was a very entertaining, informative, and passionate read, easily a top teir yuri, up there with WDFTS, citrus, Bloom Into You, and Tamin De Gushi.

Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna

Ongoing | YUZAKI Sakaomi | 2021 released

Loved every second of this. Loved both the characters and their slow development, they complement each other so well! And plus I'm an absolute sucker for artists who don't draw women in the traditional fashion- slim, petite, small shoulder and waist kinda fashion- its so refreshing to see an attractive main character that doesn't fit into that female stigma, plus I absolutely love how she was written. This story is super cute, I wish it was available to purchase in English because I would buy it in a heartbeat! Will definitely be coming back to reread this one in the future!

Onna Doushi to ka Arienai deshou to Iiharu Onna no ko wo, Hyakunichi kan de Tetteiteki ni Otosu Yuri no Ohanashi

Ongoing | Mikami teren,Kayako | 2019 released

Man, I really loved every chapter of this! I wasn't really digging the plot at first, to be honest, I kinda hated where it was going from the first chapter, but I'm glad I stuck with it and kept reading! I didn't think I would have these kinds of emotions on top of laughing my ass off in almost every chapter! I love the third wall breaks and the dynamic of the main characters, this author never seems to go wrong in that department. This was such an entertaining read and I can't wait for more chapters!

The Real Momoka

Ongoing | Arai Sumiko | 2000 released

I liked this. For one, I always enjoy this author because I really like their artwork, and for two, I freaking love bartender characters and I have no idea why! Also the bartender is so freaking cute! My only criticism is the "I have feelings for you but I won't be honest with you or with myself because I don't want to get hurt, but surprise! I've hurt us both in the process!" Cliché... it's been so outplayed and overdone that it makes all the stories with the same plot unrecognizable and they hardly stand out. Not to say that I don't enjoy that kind of chiche, it's just difficult to pull it off and have a good story, especially with a oneshot. All in all though it was a cute read.


Complete | saida nika | 2000 released

The story is only slightly difficult to get into, but after the first 2 chapters, it's actually a pretty good read. It's different, but good. I love art styles like this. It's always pleasing to read through even if the story is trash (which I'm not saying this story was, I really enjoyed it). One thing that will always keep me coming back for more of this authors work is the art style and how well they make their personalities fir their characters to a T, it makes reading the story 5 times better when you know who everyone is and what everyone does from the beginning and not getting confused or mixed up towards the middle. I'm disappointed that it was so short, but good yuris dont need to be chapters long when they're done right. Super cute and entertaining read that will always make me go back and reread it whenever I have the opportunity to stumble across it.

Cirque Arachne

Complete | saida nika | 2000 released

It might be because I have a soft spot for this artist, but they'll always receive 5 stars from me. I felt the same way about Raubritter, the artwork- always beautiful, the characters- always great, the story- has the potential to be incredibly well written if given the time and volumes, but for the short chapters that have been released by this artist, none have ever made me want to not continue reading. The artwork alone is what keeps me a faithful reader. Beautifully written story, albeit fast-paced, full of well written characters booming with personality. I just wish these great series weren't just 6 chapters short. Easy and fast read that you won't regret, beautiful artwork that you'll always remember.

Lilith (Sirius)

Complete | Sirius,CHD0_0 | 2000 released

The second portion of Lilith is slightly better but for me, this was hard to follow along with. So many characters lives and backstories got thrown into the manhua and it made it slightly difficult to read through, it could have been slightly more separated in my opinion. I don't like Huilin, not even as a character who's main purpose is to be disliked (which I'm not sure if hers is) but she is just such a cliché villain who ruined the story for me. I almost don't like Jaehee either, her character is weak and poorly written with almost no character growth or development considering the things they had her go through. They only character I have sympathy for is Sulhwa but only because she's so invested in Jaehee and she deserves someone so much better. Overall, the story was good nearing the middle and end (despite having such a hard to follow beginning that just felt all over the place) but it isn't included in Lilith, it gets better in Lilith 2. Though the art might be bleh, the BDSM scenes were great and the emotion from most of the characters was very well done.

Lilith 2

Ongoing | Sirius,Baram | 2019 released

I had to go back to reread this to give it a better rating. I was too harsh on it the first time because as I was reading it, I kept comparing it to What Does The Fox Say because of the similarities and that jaded my opinion of it. Even then, I was still a little reluctant to give it 4 stars because the story really did remind me so much of WDTFS for obvious reasons outside of the BDSM. The only character worth reading for after a certain point is Sulhwa and I still stand by my opinion that Jaehee doesn't deserve her. I can't say she would have been better off with Huilin, but I felt like the story would have been better if it ended with Jaehee on her own after finally realizing what true love is- Sulhwa was so eager to run back to her and take her back after being hurt by her so many times that it made me almost sick. Sulhwa should have found better, Jaehee should have learned to love and lose, and Huilin... well, I would have liked to have seen more of a redemption from her than a sob apology, so I still don't think she deserves happiness for all she's done, but that's just me. The story would have been so good if the author was more spontaneous in their endings, characters don't need to have happy endings in order for the story to feel like it's completed and that's what I felt like the author was trying to do. All in all, the read wasn't boring in the slightest, there is enough smut and drama to keep anyone entertained, my only criticism is I wish the characters were written a little better. They're all such cliché villains and heros that if it wasn't for the smut, it would have been difficult for me to keep reading but cliché is okay if the story itself is good, so good job author. I'd love a spin-off series of Huilin getting more of a redemption or even U-Young Sun and that student hitting it off.

Be Careful, Onee-san.

Ongoing | sasuke | 2019 released

It's.... weird lmao! It's a super weird read, but I can appreciate the pacing and approach the author took for this. It takes courage to make a romance genre when there's such a significant age gap, but a working woman falling for a grade schooler was kind of extreme. Thankful that it stayed cute and pure throughout the entire story, but also a little jaded that yuris are able to get away with this sort of content. Like, nothing bad happened obviously, but thinking about double standards and if this was a working man falling in love with a elementary school little boy, that's strikingly alarming and for yuris to get away with it just has my mind going to dark places. Overall, I loved loved loved the artwork, loved the characters, and loved the storytelling, it was an amazing and beautiful read from beginning to end and would honestly like to see another bonus chapter or second series of them being older.