What Does The Fox Say?
You can't claim to love yuri if you don't know about WDTFS. Literally one of the OGs of yuri, top tier, up there with Shoujo Sect, Girl Friends, and any other mainstream yuri you can think of. I reread this manhwa like twice a year. Loved all the characters, the story is, by far, one of the best stories in yuri to date (and that's out of the hundreds of yuris I've already read) there's drama, romance, tragedy, comedy, literally everything. If you make it through the first few chapters and don't find this manhwa or the characters somewhat interesting, you're probably a buzzkill. There isn't a yuri lover alive who can say they don't like this manhwa. Please read it if you haven't yet, you won't regret it
Run Away With Me, Girl
A beautifully written story about two young women coming to terms with themselves and with each other. Midori finally learns to stop accepting things as they are and it really brought out the best in her character. Maki learned to be honest with herself and the one she loves, which I really feel like it gave Midori that extra push to finally speak her mind. This is a must read for yuri lovers who are a fan of soft, heart warming reads. The storytelling is very well done and the art style is different, but beautifully drawn. It's one of those yuris that make you want to know the characters on a personal level, I may be hyping it up more than I should but out of all the yuris I've read in a course of 20 years, this is one I can always go back to without ever getting tired of it.
White Angels Have No Wings
Uhm... I don't really know what to say about this one. I personally couldn't stand any of the characters, every character is either weak or unnecessarily mean and hateful. Some scenes really don't make sense, nor do they needed to be added to make the plot of the story make sense and it felt like a huge plot got thrown in the middle of the manhwa and there was a rush just to get it compeltey because the ending really had me scratching my head. Would I reccomended this to yuri readers who enjoy long, semi-difficult reads? Yeah sure, it hits that mark. But I wouldn't reccomend for anyone who likes the cute shoujo side of yuri. None of the characters are any good, way too many bully scenes, and the surprise plot felt forced with the albino girl. Not saying this was a bad read, or even one of the worst I've read, it nails it's genre to a T, but it isn't for beginner yuri readers or people who just enjoy cute manhwas.
White Angels Have No Rest
This side story was much better than the original "White Angels Have No Wings" in my honest opinion. The love/hate gimmic they have going on is kinda outplayed, but this sequal did a much better job of diving into the characters mind and meaning behind their behaviors than they did in the first story. It really made you question who to like, who to hate, and who to feel sorry for. After reading the whole series, I'm still not sure who really deserves to be hated in the story. Writer did an amazing job with that, the characters were very well written, the trauma felt so real that my heart felt like it got lodged in my throat nearly every other chapter, and the emotions towards the end had me in near tears. I'm really hoping there will be a third series peering more into Minhye and deputy manager Lee, I can see a lot happening between them. Also seeing how Song Ayeon progressed on wouldn't be bad either. I saw some chemistry between her and Yeonhwa's little sister. All in all, I reccomend if you're in for a long read. Do not take the tags lightly, there is borderline abuse in this manhwa, so please read with caution if that's something you happen to be sensitive about.
Maka Maka
I think I'll always rate anything from this artist with high marks but Maka Maka was one of the OG yuris for me. Like, the yuri that started my obsession. If you haven't heard of Maka Maka or the artist, you've been missing out. Beautiful full color manga on each page and incredible (yet simple and sweet) storytelling. It really focuses in on how platonic relationships can still be just platonic even if there are sexual activities involved. The artist seems to try to makes the readers understand how much Nene and Jun (the two main protagonists) love one another. A love that goes deeper than friendship and even partnership. A very simple and easy read, smut in (almost) every chapter so be mindful where you read it. It'll be one for the books, one of those yuris you'll keep revisiting throughout the years because the artwork and the story are just that beautiful. This is a must read for yuri lovers.
The translation makes it hard to read, but the story wasn't terrible. Neither of the characters had good personalities (in my honest opinion) which doesn't make the story itself bad, but makes for a bad read. Halfway through, I was only reading it just to say I've read the whole thing. Artwork is really nice though and despite both of the main characters being trash, the author made it work perfectly for the story they were trying to tell. If this ever got a sequal, I truthfully might not read it if the story revolved around these two women again.
Moshi, Koi ga Mieta Nara
I really enjoyed this story. It has the perfect amount of drama, fluff scenes, and character development. I'm a little disappointed with how it ended, not a bad ending at all- I just had such high hopes that all 3 would end up together but that's from my own shipping so it doesn't hinder the story whatsoever. Really cute series and easy to read, I'd love to pick up another manga with a similar plot like this one.
Sei Kaihō Sorezore no Ainokatachi
This was a really cute read and it hit too close to home TTvTT To my understanding, this was supposed to be a one-shot manga so the chapter uploads are a little weird but nothing you wouldn't be able to read through. Characters were cute, few scenes were a little cringy and awkward (especially Mio meeting Reikas mom) but it didn't ruin the manga. I was hoping for them to have a baby too, felt like it would have fit considering how Reika didn't think she would be able to marry Mio or have a baby with her- and is the main reason she left her- but I can live with them only being married. Could definitely see a reprise/ revisit of them a few years down the line with a bigger bar and a baby on the way. All in all, I give it 3 out of 5 stars. The read was cute, but it didn't really grab my attention. Story was kinda cliché and bland.