OnlyMes's manga / #Webtoon(9)

Save me, will you?

Complete | Cho sangduck | 2019 released
2022-02-26 04:48 marked

I actually enjoyed this. Not big into yaoi and I don't like ræpe culture which is why yaoi has always thrown me off, but this one was actually cute. Loved the characters and the artwork.


Ongoing | Tim Takkong | 2000 released

Beautiful manhua with beautiful characters and storytelling. I swooned over Lee Sun the second I saw her, and Doyoung had my heart the instant I saw his personality. I love how this story was written, I just wish it could have gone on a little longer to get better closure of some of the characters, but the author did a good job of closing those loose ends. If I have one critique, it would be that I would have liked to see a little more SM play between Sun and Doyoung since she really discovered that side of herself through him, it just felt like that switch got flipped for her and that's all we really get. I would have loved to see them exploring their kinks, discovering new toys and styles, and really bonding over that- not to say the story wasn't perfect the way it is, I would have just enjoyed it a bit more if their alone time showed more of that. I'd love to see a side story in the future about Robin and his new girlfriend or even Jia and Bom (because Yuri will always be my #1 genre) but I don't believe the creator has any plans of making a side story. All in all, this was such a great read, the art, the storytelling, the emotions- all of it was great from beginning to end despite it wrapping up the problem and solution so quickly.

A Pervert's Daily Life

Complete | Alice crazy | 2000 released

I don't typically read these types of manhua, but I really enjoyed this. What got me reading was the character design, Seyoung was so pretty to me to the point where I found myself screenshotting frames of her face just to draw later. I loved everything about her, I even based a character from my yuri off of her design and personality. The story was really interesting and something you don't see much of when a young man is involved, the title had me thinking immediately that Jinwoo was the protagonist and we'd be seeing the story revolved around him and his perverted tendencies, it caught me off guard when the cute, small, quiet girl was actually the pervert. Outside the art alone, the scenes were beautiful and well written, my only critique would be the embarrassingly long amount of time it took for them to get together. They should have guessed that the other person liked them (especially considering they liked enough to raw dog) and I do not like tropes where no one is even trying to ask the other out with various signs showing that they're interested. I get it makes for a suspenseful story they're able to drag out longer, but it's so very frustrating.

Positively Yours

Complete | Lee jung,Kang ki | 2019 released

This is the quickest I think I've ever read a webtoom/ manhua. My go-to read is mostly yuri and shoujo-ai so I honestly did not expect to complete this one once I stumbled across it, but this was really one of the best romance webtoons I've read in a while. Not only is the art beautiful, but the story is so original and well written. It took insane creative courage to be able to stick with such a plot and be able to execute it beautifully until the very end, I never wanted to stop reading this. I normally leave at least one critique on all the stories I've read, and if I had one, it would probably be how frustrating the communication was for Doo-Jool and Hee-won. It caused a lot of their issues, but to be fair, this isn't really such an honest critique because those situations do happen in real life. I was hoping to have more closure with Hee-won and Min-Wook. A huge reason why she even went out to have a one night stand was because of him, so I'm a little underwhelmed with their development and communication. I hate that she never said anything and just let it fizzle out and die. All-in-all, this was such an emotional read, everything was beautifully done down to the characters, to the artwork, and even the side stories. I'm really hoping to see this artist and author return for more in the future.

My Princess Charming

Complete | Teunteun | 2019 released

Super cute story and very easy to read. I really liked how it started off, but I didn't care for Yunas personality, however I do understand that her arrogance made the story what it was. I loved Mins character, that boyish style with a cool and coy personality is such a great character trope regardless of the content of the writing. If I have to leave a critique, it would be how Min ended up leaving her first love for Yuna. I don't believe fake lovers should end up together to make a good story, while I agree with the majority that Min's professor didn't deserve her, I personally didn't think Min deserved Yuna in that respect either. I would have loved for Yuna to have ended up with Seyun, but regardless of the outcome, the story itself would have still be good. Here's hoping we get a side story about the professor or even Seyun if we're lucky, I'd be thrilled to read more of this story.

Kill Switch

Complete | 1172 | 2000 released

I liked the story and the art, it had a great original plot that you don't see in most yuris. Loved Jeongwon's character. The design to the personality, she gave my brain happy chemicals every time I saw her. Jisoo was such a great match for her, their dynamic went so well together, from the very beginning I felt like they were the perfect match. Hwayeon, however... well, I guess her character was made specifically for her to be disliked, and that's understandable. She was a crooked character from the start who only really ever cared for herself and what other people could provide for her. When Jeongwon started getting attracted to Jisoo, I don't believe Hwayeon's reaction came from genuine concern or fear of losing a friend/ fuck buddy. I think she knew she was going to lose a reliable source of money, living space, and attention. Most of the problems that Jisoo and Jeongwon faced before they even started dating was because of Hwayeon, so as a character who is suppose to be the antagonist, she was written really well, I just wish she had more of a redemption. Overall, this was a fantastic read, the characters are relatable and cute, the scenes are beautiful, the tone and mood of the NSFW scenes are done at a great pace (not too many, not too few), this one will be going to my list of rereads because I genuinely enjoyed nearly every chapter.


Complete | 연골,Yeongol | 2019 released

I'm not sure how I feel about this. The story was great, and the premise of the story was entertaining, I'm just personally not a fan of toxic relationships like this. I don't like to romanticize traits like jealousy, greed, obsession and everything else Yoo Wons character portraited. She loved Ji-an, but ruining her life isn't the way to go about your feelings. She stole her songs, sabotaged her debuts, cheated on her, just so she knew Ji-an would have nothing and no one else to rely on but Yoo Won herself, at that point, that isn't love, it's toxic obsession. I don't know if the series ended at chapter 7 or if it just stop being translated, but I didn't care for the ending, which is why I had to give this a 4 star rating. I didn't see the benefit of Ji-an returning to Yoo Won. Love aside, that woman destroyed everything she ever worked for, even brought other women in their bed, I can't rationalize why Ji-an would go back to her at the end of the day, even if Yoo Won ruined her life to prove that fame and money meant nothing to her so long as she has Ji-an. I understand everyone roots for a happy ending, but this story didn't need that. Love stories don't have to end with the two characters, who were so toxic for each other, ending up together- especially when it doesn't change the outcome of the story. Ji-an could have rose to fame herself after Yoo Wons fall if she wanted to. She didn't need Yoo to do that. I don't know, I just hate that Yoo got her happy ending when she didn't deserve it. Losing her fame meant nothing to her, she didn't care, the only thing she cared about was Ji-an and the fact that a character like her got her happy end with no development is a bit of a let down. Like I said, it was a great story, I would have just hoped for a different outcome.

Sex Exercise

Complete | Choe namsae, shuroop | 2019 released

Not a fan of all the sex related content in every chapter, but maaaaan, I kinda really enjoyed this. Even speeding through the sex scene parts, I still had to scroll back up to take notice at how the scenes were so beautifully colored. Came for the art, stayed for the comedy and storytelling. Although this isn't what I traditionally read as far as genre goes, I still give this a 10 out of 10! Woongs character design from the very beginning is what made me pick up this manhua, I'm a big fan of the cute and fluffy type of character, his personality fit so well given the kind of content this story showed. I'm not as happy with how Yunas story ended however, I didn't care for the sudden "she hasn't spoken to me since that day, I think she blocked me" No, I'm sorry, that was such lazy writing! I really needed that closure! I know Yuna was at fault from the beginning by telling her mom they were dating without disclosing it to Woong, (and yes, most of her obsession came from idolization) but Woong didn't do her any favors either by just looking to her for sex while also dangling her along when he wasn't even sure how he felt about her. Yuna deserved some sort of closure episode with Woong at the very least. It was a given that he and Soohyun would end up together though, it just felt so lazy how they managed to get together. I wish we could have seen more from Woong and Soohyun, all of that buildup for a chapter or two felt a little lackluster, but enjoyable nonetheless. If there is ever a second story or side story, I'd love to also see more from Hani and Miso, I loved Miso so much and would have loved to see so much more of him.

Ring my Bell

Complete | Yeongol | 2000 released

Not gonna lie, I really slept on this manhwa. I remember reading 2 or 3 chapters years ago and couldn't make it any farther because I didn't think the story was that interesting but I'm glad I gave it another change (even if it was years late). It's not that I thought the story was boring or anything, just that there wasn't much excitement that made me want to keep reading, but as I kept clicking chapter after chapter, I noticed how wholesome their story was. Outside of the drama or conflict, this felt like a genuine, real, and relatable story about two women who really love one another. These characters felt real, which is something I don't say frequently when I'm reading webtoons. Although it does start off a little slow and irratic, watching the progression and passion of the two main characters easily made this series a top 10 for me. Definitely consider giving it a read if you like simple and sweet stories.