Drunken Relationship (Alcoholism)
Kinda went through the loop in the beginning, I was confused on who the story was suppose to focus on, not that having 3 or 4 protagonists made it bad though. If the story was suppose to center around Shinbi (the blue hair girl) and Yeju (the redhead), I at least would have loved to see where their trails and troubles eventually lead for them, we got just a glance at that with the afterstory, but after they got together, it seemed like the story went from them to Jay and Nuel. Now if it was actually suppose to center around Jay (the black haired girl), I really really enjoyed the storytelling. Even from Shinbi's and Yeju's perspective, the storytelling was so well done and original. Jay's character is hard to match when it comes to romantic partners, but Nuel ended up fitting that space almost perfectly in the side story, I love their dynamic, relationship, communication, they brought so much to this story. Definitely wouldn't mind having a spin off series of just them. This was an exciting read to me, I loved all the twists, surprises, cliffhangers, and most of all, all of the NSFW scenes (which I'm super picky about). The characters felt so real and relatable without any tropes to try to appeal to the readers. This will be one for the books, one I'd love to forget it's in my list just so I can have the comfort of going back to reread it.
Bongchon Bride
Goodness, this was such an amazing read for me. I loved Bongchon, his character design, his personality, his temperament, he was written so incredibly well, I resonated with him in so many chapters. Soongap grew on me, I kind of didn't like his character in the beginning, but the growth he developed with Bongchon was undeniably so perfectly written out. I'm so impressed with how the story led through the climaxes, it was so difficult to stop at the end of a chapter and not go to the next. I'm not much of a yaoi reader because of the excessive use of sexual force, so I also really appreciate the trigger warnings placed at the beginning of the few chapters that had it. I don't have a critique on this manhua, everything from the plot, to the characters, to the loose strings was done so well. No questions left unanswered, no characters left unredeemed, and those who deserved their happy ending eventually got it. I'm also glad we got to see off Pilgyeon, I loved his "redemption" (if that's what it could be called) at the end of the story. If we ever do get another series outside of Bongchons and Soongaps fishing story, I would love to see a short story about where Mokwon (the young mistress) and her lover went and how they're living. Of all the side characters, they were my favorite.
Aikatsu! dj: Things have really progressed since that time we got stupidly drunk
Frankly put, this story was so underdeveloped, even for a one-shot. Why were they living together if they weren't together? Why did she drink knowing what would happen just to regret it the following morning? Has the blonde hair girl been feeling the same feelings for her or is she only indulging her because they're friends? I have so many questions and none of them have answers. The most logical thing to do to make this even slightly better was at the very least make them lovers from the beginning. There was no plot to this at all, felt like it was snatched from a side story but only the middle part was used. Has the potential to be a good manga if it had a few chapters, but not so great as a one-shot
Easygoing Oyako
At this point, I'm fully convinced the author wants to fuck their mother. Almost all their work revolvs around a daughter falling in love with her mother. That being said, I still gave this yuri 5 stars because outside of the incest (which, next to NTR, is a bottom tier genre for me personally) this manga was such a joy to read. I love to laugh so any comedy that's done right and actually makes me laugh out loud deserves high marks from me, regardless of the context. I loved the duos and the third wall breaks, I honestly don't think I would have had the stomach to read this if it wasn't for that. This artist has the potential to make some pretty phenomenal, stand-outish yuris if they ever let go of their mother complex. Overall, the story wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Every character is cute and I enjoyed scenes from every one of them, the progression (or lack of I guess) restores a little faith in me and is keeping me from dropping it- because the mother, for the most part, indulges in her daughters antics for the sake of wanting to be a better mother and not really understanding what all comes with that. Unlike their first story (1 x 1/2 My Half of You) where the mother from that story gave thought about dating and potentionally sleeping with her daughter. One other thing I don't quite like is the family tree. It seems Sayaka (the mother) married her first cousin on her dad's side and had a child (Yuuki) with him. Yeah, cultural differences, I understand, but was there any good reason to make that prominent not once, but twice so far? I hope this ends well, I like the story and the characters so far.
Breath Supreme Yuri Fetish Anthology
I don't tend to leave comments on anthologies because of the different variations of stories, however I wanted to leave a few words, at the very least. I've read many anthologies, almost all of them I've fully enjoyed every chapter of. When it comes to this one... well... I don't think the chapters really hit the nail on the head with the title. For a yuri fetish anthology, I probably misunderstood the chapters, but none of them seemed to have anything to do with fetishes. Most of them seemed more like hidden romance or "finally, some alone time" kinda trope. With that being said, I still gave it 4 stars because I loved all of the authors who worked on this, and I actually really enjoyed their stories.
The Villainess Who Steals the Heroine's Heart
Too cute for words. Yuris like these are my absolute favorite, it's so nice to be able to comfortably read in public. I also really like yuris that don't need to rely on NSFW scenes to make a good story, this was so wonderfully done, I'm just sad about how slow it is. This is my first time coming across this artist, their art style gives me late 90's early 2000's style art, and I mean that with the most admiration. I loved the art style of this, I loved the characters, I loved setting, I would pay good money to have this turned into a full series. Hoping to see more from this artist in the future, but for now, this will definitely be a yuri I'll gladly revisit in the future!
Teiji ni Agaretara
This manga was really cute, but dang it, if I had a dollar for every time Kayoko or Kaori chose not to speak on their thoughts to the other person, I'd have enough money to buy the damn volume set. Literally every obstacle or challenge either of them faced in this manga was strictly because of a lack of communication. Talk to each other, let the other know how much you love them, let them know when something is troubling you, I never understood the whole "I'll just keep it to myself to avoid hurting you" cliché when that does literally more harm than good, especially if the other person has to find out about it indirectly. One or two times, I can relate, but EVERY time there was a conflict of interest it was because of a lack of communication. Other than that issue, I loved the story. I prefer yuris like these, ones that are cute and fluffy, ones that make my heart flutter. Kayoko was such an innocently cute character and Kaori was such a striking beauty. I really enjoyed reading through this, watching them grow and discover things about themselves and each other, and working through their problems. It tackled adult relationships so well, and I give it high marks for that. I was sad to see it end, but I'm so satisfied with the story's wrap up and conclusion. If there is a chance of this getting a side story, I would LOVE to see Kayoko and her friend Mahiro work through their problems they seem to have. I hate that it ended and we couldn't get closure from Mahiro, who's going to continue her life being in love with her friend who she knows she'll never have a chance with, let alone being able to truly confess to her out of fear of losing their friendship. She's been waiting by Kayokos side for years, I think she deserves happiness of her own so I'm very disappointed on where her story arch ended.
My Princess Charming
Super cute story and very easy to read. I really liked how it started off, but I didn't care for Yunas personality, however I do understand that her arrogance made the story what it was. I loved Mins character, that boyish style with a cool and coy personality is such a great character trope regardless of the content of the writing. If I have to leave a critique, it would be how Min ended up leaving her first love for Yuna. I don't believe fake lovers should end up together to make a good story, while I agree with the majority that Min's professor didn't deserve her, I personally didn't think Min deserved Yuna in that respect either. I would have loved for Yuna to have ended up with Seyun, but regardless of the outcome, the story itself would have still be good. Here's hoping we get a side story about the professor or even Seyun if we're lucky, I'd be thrilled to read more of this story.
It's hard to give fair ratings on one-shots, because there isn't really much to critique from just a few pages of context, especially one with such short dialog, however, given the small length of this chapter, it was still incredibly cute and simple to read. Not much to gather from the short conversations the two had in the story, and I personally don't care for openings where they throw you into the middle of the story without any context, but all in all I enjoyed reading through it. Cute, yet simple and I appreciate the extra page at the end focusing on the cap and the watch, it made going back to reread it a lot more detailed once you realized why a lot of senses focused on those two objects.
Best Friends