Love is fantasy! ~The Queen~
I gotta say, this was an interesting read. Not entirely a big fan of omegaverse style manhua/manhwas, but this one was kinda nice to read. Let me start off by saying how much I LOVE Mujin and I wish he could have gotten some sort of ending where he was happy as well, I even would have settled for a poly relationship amongst the three just to see him happy. I hope there is a spinoff of the spinoff in the future with Mujin finding some happiness outside of theirs. Now, as far as Do-gyeom is concerned... I don't know... I definitely didn't dislike her character, but she wasn't entirely one of my favorites either? I love a good complex female character, but I couldn't bring myself to sympathize with her. And poor, sweet Seung-ah... my precious baby, he didn't deserve anything he was put through, I don't care, I will fight tooth and nail for him! Overall, the story was fantastic. It was suspenseful, complex, interesting, heartfelt, and so many other things. It was truly a good read for it to have been a side story. Regardless, the dreaded 4 star was because of how Mujins story ended. Justice for my man Mujin.
Best Friends