OnlyMes's manga / #Interesting(40)

The Story of The Princess and The Little Mermaid

Complete | murasakino | 2000 released

As always, beautiful art and wonderful, unique story. I honestly didn't see the ending coming, but it was a fitting end for the princess, I believe. I've noticed that Murasakino likes to leave endings up in the air for most of their one-shots, but this one was pretty cut dry. As much as I wanted to give this a higher rating, I wanted to be fair and not rate it off of how much I love this author and more on what the story gives me. In the end, it was still a great story, just lacking in context here and there and the typical feeling I get when reading their works, I just didn't get from this one. For anyone wanting to read it though, you won't regret it nonetheless.

Before the Spilled Milk Dries

Complete | Murasakino | 2000 released

Wow wow wow. I knew the author of these stories could get a little dark, but I greatly overestimate the tragedy tag. Even though, my God I still enjoyed reading through it. The chapter with Miki and her childhood crush was so amazing, that plot twist at the end had me speechless, I had to go back to reread the entire chapter over again just to make sure I wasn't confused. I got literal chicken skin when I made it to the end of that chapter and realized what actually was happening. Like I've always said when rating these kinds of works, this author does a PHENOMENAL job telling such thrilling and interesting stories with just a one-shot. The sheer amount of raw emotions I was experiencing reading through some of these stories is unmatched, and the fact that the author can give me that with just 15 to 20 pages of art to tell such a breathtaking story is incredible. Anyone who can rate these stories anything less than 5 stars likely just underestimated the tragedy tag because, like myself, you wouldn't think art this cute and innocent looking would hold darker meanings. But for the people who enjoy that kind of genre and take the tags to heart, I can't see them rating this anything but 5 stars.

Make a mark

Ongoing | Murasakino | 2000 released

Beautifully written love story about longing and regret. The reverse transition in the second part was surprising, but I loved how their roles were reversed, then, and only then did the senpai understand how she felt. That love, that longing, the unwillingness to leave no matter how many times you get hurt, this is raw love. I hate so much that the younger girl had to get hurt so many times until she became a version of herself she resented in her senpai, it's such an ironic story that was amazingly written. I love this author so much, the twists, surprises, tragedies in all their short stories are always so well done. Wonderful job.

The Story of a Person Who Grew a Flower

Complete | murasakino | 2019 released

A bit difficult to understand with the first read through, but still a beautiful story. Longing for someone so much that, instead of wishing for that person to love you in return, you wish to be a version that person will love, even if it ends up hurting you. This was a beautiful portrayal of true, genuine love, but not all love has happy endings I'm afraid. I can't fathom loving someone so much that I'm willing to change myself, give myself away, for a chance to be recognized. The ending had me only slightly confused, I get the symbolism, I just didn't understand why the nurse ended up the same way as the student. Was that also her wish, even though she never understood the feeling of love even until the very end? This melancholic story left me feeling empty. Not in a bad way, not in the slightest, I just hoped for a more sweeter ending- which I know is a lot to ask for coming from this author. This story wasn't bad at all, I felt a wave of sadness near the end, but the story was so magnificently told that a sad ending didn't make me regret reading it. Beautiful storytelling, beautiful character traits, beautiful artwork. Another fantastic piece from this author.

Kill Switch

Complete | 1172 | 2000 released

I liked the story and the art, it had a great original plot that you don't see in most yuris. Loved Jeongwon's character. The design to the personality, she gave my brain happy chemicals every time I saw her. Jisoo was such a great match for her, their dynamic went so well together, from the very beginning I felt like they were the perfect match. Hwayeon, however... well, I guess her character was made specifically for her to be disliked, and that's understandable. She was a crooked character from the start who only really ever cared for herself and what other people could provide for her. When Jeongwon started getting attracted to Jisoo, I don't believe Hwayeon's reaction came from genuine concern or fear of losing a friend/ fuck buddy. I think she knew she was going to lose a reliable source of money, living space, and attention. Most of the problems that Jisoo and Jeongwon faced before they even started dating was because of Hwayeon, so as a character who is suppose to be the antagonist, she was written really well, I just wish she had more of a redemption. Overall, this was a fantastic read, the characters are relatable and cute, the scenes are beautiful, the tone and mood of the NSFW scenes are done at a great pace (not too many, not too few), this one will be going to my list of rereads because I genuinely enjoyed nearly every chapter.

Eve's Medicine

Complete | Flowerchild | 2019 released

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, this would have made some great work if it wasn't pedophile material! I refuse to rate it any higher! I would have even given it a fighting chance if the ages were 15 or 16, this is literally a child! She looks like she's maybe 10 at the latest! I can tolerate extreme age gap if it's innocent and cute with no sexual intent or activities, but this here is pure satanic and the only people who I will assume actually likes this are pedophiles themselves! TToTT you can't change my mind! Why is stuff like this allowed to get published lmao. Like, fuck a doll, fuck your siblings, for God's sake, fuck a goat just please LEAVE LITERAL CHIKDREN OUT OF YOUR SEXUAL FANTASIES! TToTT


Complete | 연골,Yeongol | 2019 released

I'm not sure how I feel about this. The story was great, and the premise of the story was entertaining, I'm just personally not a fan of toxic relationships like this. I don't like to romanticize traits like jealousy, greed, obsession and everything else Yoo Wons character portraited. She loved Ji-an, but ruining her life isn't the way to go about your feelings. She stole her songs, sabotaged her debuts, cheated on her, just so she knew Ji-an would have nothing and no one else to rely on but Yoo Won herself, at that point, that isn't love, it's toxic obsession. I don't know if the series ended at chapter 7 or if it just stop being translated, but I didn't care for the ending, which is why I had to give this a 4 star rating. I didn't see the benefit of Ji-an returning to Yoo Won. Love aside, that woman destroyed everything she ever worked for, even brought other women in their bed, I can't rationalize why Ji-an would go back to her at the end of the day, even if Yoo Won ruined her life to prove that fame and money meant nothing to her so long as she has Ji-an. I understand everyone roots for a happy ending, but this story didn't need that. Love stories don't have to end with the two characters, who were so toxic for each other, ending up together- especially when it doesn't change the outcome of the story. Ji-an could have rose to fame herself after Yoo Wons fall if she wanted to. She didn't need Yoo to do that. I don't know, I just hate that Yoo got her happy ending when she didn't deserve it. Losing her fame meant nothing to her, she didn't care, the only thing she cared about was Ji-an and the fact that a character like her got her happy end with no development is a bit of a let down. Like I said, it was a great story, I would have just hoped for a different outcome.

How to End an Unrequited Love

Complete | Pai | 2000 released

A bit different compared to what I normally read, but this one of a kind story really grabbed my attention from the very beginning until the very end. What I can appreciate the most about this series is how no character beats around the bush, they know exactly what they want, and when they have an issue or something they want to address, they communicate that- if not in the same chapter, then the very next. It was always so frustrating for me reading yuris in the past where so much of the conflicts came from someone not being honest with the person in question so they end up getting hurt! I get it prolongs the story, but if the story itself isn't that good of a read because it relies on cliché tropes like so many other yuris, then outplayed conflicts of interest just makes it so much harder to read through when the readers already know what to expect for the solution. I love the way this story introduced Boksil, a hopeless romantic who had no luck at dating, but didn't let that deter her. If I'd have never looked at the cover photo for the manhua, I would have never guessed that Boksil and DoYoon wouldn't have ended up together. Brave decision to write a story around falling in love with one character just to end up with the characters best friend. I loved Seim's character, but DoYoon was an easy favorite for me. If anyone in this story deserved a happy ending, it was her, and I'm glad she didn't let her first love ruin her perspective on relationships, I had the most worry for her because of that and, although I saw it coming, I knew she and JiYoo would end up together- which I'm also very thrilled for. All in all, the story was amazing, funny, and original, the characters have so much depth and development, and there is so much individuality put into each character introduced, and the artwork is really pretty. Cute, quick, and easy read, this won't be a yuri anyone would regret reading.

Sex Exercise

Complete | Choe namsae, shuroop | 2019 released

Not a fan of all the sex related content in every chapter, but maaaaan, I kinda really enjoyed this. Even speeding through the sex scene parts, I still had to scroll back up to take notice at how the scenes were so beautifully colored. Came for the art, stayed for the comedy and storytelling. Although this isn't what I traditionally read as far as genre goes, I still give this a 10 out of 10! Woongs character design from the very beginning is what made me pick up this manhua, I'm a big fan of the cute and fluffy type of character, his personality fit so well given the kind of content this story showed. I'm not as happy with how Yunas story ended however, I didn't care for the sudden "she hasn't spoken to me since that day, I think she blocked me" No, I'm sorry, that was such lazy writing! I really needed that closure! I know Yuna was at fault from the beginning by telling her mom they were dating without disclosing it to Woong, (and yes, most of her obsession came from idolization) but Woong didn't do her any favors either by just looking to her for sex while also dangling her along when he wasn't even sure how he felt about her. Yuna deserved some sort of closure episode with Woong at the very least. It was a given that he and Soohyun would end up together though, it just felt so lazy how they managed to get together. I wish we could have seen more from Woong and Soohyun, all of that buildup for a chapter or two felt a little lackluster, but enjoyable nonetheless. If there is ever a second story or side story, I'd love to also see more from Hani and Miso, I loved Miso so much and would have loved to see so much more of him.

Sadistic Beauty: Side Story

Complete | Yunhee Woo | 2000 released

I can't believe I never left a review on this, I'm glad I finally came back to reread it because this is likely one of the best side stories I've seen. Not too many stories really wrap up side characters by giving them their own story, and most of them are never as good as this one. When I realized this story was about Gyerin, I nearly cried! Out of all the characters, she was my favorite and the one most deserving of love in this series. I was so nervous thinking she might end up with Duna so the excitement I felt knowing her ending would be wrapped up in this side story sent me over the moon! Gyerin was honestly the only character in the story who had any real development and personality. Sure, she was clingy, but not nearly as insufferable as the male lead. After reading the main story and both side stories (yeesh on that yaoi side story) Gyerin and Juyeons was really the only relationship I could 100% stand behind that made the most sense to me. I'm so happy she got her good ending, I love how they wrapped up her tale because at the end of the day, she really was the only character (who got hurt) worth caring about.