Maka Maka
I think I'll always rate anything from this artist with high marks but Maka Maka was one of the OG yuris for me. Like, the yuri that started my obsession. If you haven't heard of Maka Maka or the artist, you've been missing out. Beautiful full color manga on each page and incredible (yet simple and sweet) storytelling. It really focuses in on how platonic relationships can still be just platonic even if there are sexual activities involved. The artist seems to try to makes the readers understand how much Nene and Jun (the two main protagonists) love one another. A love that goes deeper than friendship and even partnership. A very simple and easy read, smut in (almost) every chapter so be mindful where you read it. It'll be one for the books, one of those yuris you'll keep revisiting throughout the years because the artwork and the story are just that beautiful. This is a must read for yuri lovers.
Moshi, Koi ga Mieta Nara
I really enjoyed this story. It has the perfect amount of drama, fluff scenes, and character development. I'm a little disappointed with how it ended, not a bad ending at all- I just had such high hopes that all 3 would end up together but that's from my own shipping so it doesn't hinder the story whatsoever. Really cute series and easy to read, I'd love to pick up another manga with a similar plot like this one.
Sei Kaihō Sorezore no Ainokatachi
This was a really cute read and it hit too close to home TTvTT To my understanding, this was supposed to be a one-shot manga so the chapter uploads are a little weird but nothing you wouldn't be able to read through. Characters were cute, few scenes were a little cringy and awkward (especially Mio meeting Reikas mom) but it didn't ruin the manga. I was hoping for them to have a baby too, felt like it would have fit considering how Reika didn't think she would be able to marry Mio or have a baby with her- and is the main reason she left her- but I can live with them only being married. Could definitely see a reprise/ revisit of them a few years down the line with a bigger bar and a baby on the way. All in all, I give it 3 out of 5 stars. The read was cute, but it didn't really grab my attention. Story was kinda cliché and bland.
For Garbage
I liked Jia's character. The design and personality went really well together, my only critique is how slow the story went from the point of revenge to it actually happening-which I get why the author did it that way, but I felt like the reveal should have been just as detailed. It felt just a little lackluster to have so many chapters dedicated on when, how, and why revenge would be happening only for it to be dwindle by a few chapters of it actually happening. Felt like that "sweet revenge dessert" wasn't even a main point of the story anymore to have it finish so quickly once her husband actually found out/ when unnie asked for the divorce. The ending felt rushed, but I'm still very excited for the side stories. I'd love to see more of the side characters and where their lives went after everything that's happened.
Moonlight Garden (Kang Unnie)
AAAAHHHHHH! This manhua is so freaking cute! I loved It all! There wasn't one bad chapter! And if it's one thing I appreciate more than anything when it comes to a good story is the twists! Couldn't have written it better if they tried! It's these types of reads that makes you want to keep coming back waiting for the next update because you're so eager to know what's going to happen next! This was a very entertaining, informative, and passionate read, easily a top teir yuri, up there with WDFTS, citrus, Bloom Into You, and Tamin De Gushi.
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna
Loved every second of this. Loved both the characters and their slow development, they complement each other so well! And plus I'm an absolute sucker for artists who don't draw women in the traditional fashion- slim, petite, small shoulder and waist kinda fashion- its so refreshing to see an attractive main character that doesn't fit into that female stigma, plus I absolutely love how she was written. This story is super cute, I wish it was available to purchase in English because I would buy it in a heartbeat! Will definitely be coming back to reread this one in the future!
Onna Doushi to ka Arienai deshou to Iiharu Onna no ko wo, Hyakunichi kan de Tetteiteki ni Otosu Yuri no Ohanashi
Man, I really loved every chapter of this! I wasn't really digging the plot at first, to be honest, I kinda hated where it was going from the first chapter, but I'm glad I stuck with it and kept reading! I didn't think I would have these kinds of emotions on top of laughing my ass off in almost every chapter! I love the third wall breaks and the dynamic of the main characters, this author never seems to go wrong in that department. This was such an entertaining read and I can't wait for more chapters!
The Real Momoka
I liked this. For one, I always enjoy this author because I really like their artwork, and for two, I freaking love bartender characters and I have no idea why! Also the bartender is so freaking cute! My only criticism is the "I have feelings for you but I won't be honest with you or with myself because I don't want to get hurt, but surprise! I've hurt us both in the process!" Cliché... it's been so outplayed and overdone that it makes all the stories with the same plot unrecognizable and they hardly stand out. Not to say that I don't enjoy that kind of chiche, it's just difficult to pull it off and have a good story, especially with a oneshot. All in all though it was a cute read.
The Female Student and the Woman on the Same Bus
I gave this one 5 starts for its originality and storytelling. Very few words were exchanged between the protagonists but you didn't need words to understand the story at all. It's a very light, soft, and cute read. It's been so long since I've read something similar, and I loved every chapter. The artwork, along with the color scheme chosen for the pages, paints an incredible picture as to what time period they are in. Beautiful work, definitely wouldn't mind more chapters if the author ever felt the desire to draw more.
White Angels Have No Rest