Lily Marble
It started as yuri, but didn't end as yuri. It felt more like "a high school fling where the girls are dating girls because it's an all girls school" kinda cliché, especially considering how only 2 couples from the 4 or 5 we saw even got together. The story really throws you all over the place with all those different relationships (cause honestly it would have been perfect if it was just a story about Aya and Risa), but it wasn't so bad that it made me want to stop reading. Just made it seem like more of a waste if nothing actually came out of the progression chapters of some of the characters, I say this with even more gusto considering how a few of them ended up with boyfriends or husbands. That being said, it's a good story, but it will let you down in the end. Artwork is really nice and the overall storytelling wasn't bad in the slightest. The ending felt a little rushed, but it didn't leave any loose ends so I'm satisfied.
Marie and Alex
This is the first yuri I've seen from this author and their artstyle got me into Drunken Relationship (another yuri by them). It's a shame that it was so short because it was honestly a great story about a master and servant, plus I really really liked the master, she was incredibly written I love the idea of her not thinking of her servant as lesser because of their social status. Like anything from this author, the art is amazing, the storytelling never leaves you confused or uninterested, and the bedroom scenes are so well done, my only issue is the length of the story (or lack of, in this case). I'm sure they had their reasons as to why the story was so short, it just made for a rushed ending considering how much was thrown onto the red haired woman. She discovered she likes seeing her servant cry, then she discovered she liked her servant, then she discovered S&M then she discovered she's the one who really wants to make her servant cry. It felt like there was no time for either of them to understand or explore their feelings, it just all had to be quickly brushed over so the story could be completed. Even so, for a short story, I still give it high marks for being able to have so much conflict and suspense and being able to tell the story smoothly until the end.
2 Lives 1 House
A really cute story and the ending made me squeal! Won't regret the read, a quick and easy manhwa to occupy your time for a few hours, loving story and a good, heartwarming ending
Sora & Haena!
Definitely not a yuri to skip. The progression of the two main characters is slow but its well worth the wait. Opposites really attract in this case, it's been a long time since I've read such a wholesome and cute manhwa. This story really gives you everything, drama, suspense, cliffhangers, comedy, relationship and friendship troubles- it's really worth the read if you like cute and soft yuri. Plus the side stories are NSFW so you can actually read through the whole main story in public without fear.
Red Dot
TOO CUTE! Extra bonus points for having a chubby female love interest, it made me love this manhwa 3000 times more! Such beautiful artwork, if there will be more chapters released, I absolutely cannot wait for them! ️️️️
Beloved (jaeliu) Manhua
Like everyone else who's commented on this manhwa, absolutely drop dead gorgeous artwork. I mean stunningly beautiful. Love Dr. Wei and her character design. The only problem is the age gap. And it's not like one of those "Oh she's 18 and she's 26", nooo there's literally a 19 year gap with the youngest girl being 15. Now I understand in other places, 15 can be considered legal, and I have absolutely no problem at all with minor yuri, however I dip my feet out the pool when it stops being innocent and cute and starts to becomes sexual. Like, I don't want to see a grown woman doing it with a child, if you're into that, more power to you, but there should have been a clear warning on that before the read. Overall, i still really enjoyed the story, the pace, all the characters, and the theme. It's a good and quick read.
What Does The Fox Say?
You can't claim to love yuri if you don't know about WDTFS. Literally one of the OGs of yuri, top tier, up there with Shoujo Sect, Girl Friends, and any other mainstream yuri you can think of. I reread this manhwa like twice a year. Loved all the characters, the story is, by far, one of the best stories in yuri to date (and that's out of the hundreds of yuris I've already read) there's drama, romance, tragedy, comedy, literally everything. If you make it through the first few chapters and don't find this manhwa or the characters somewhat interesting, you're probably a buzzkill. There isn't a yuri lover alive who can say they don't like this manhwa. Please read it if you haven't yet, you won't regret it
Run Away With Me, Girl
A beautifully written story about two young women coming to terms with themselves and with each other. Midori finally learns to stop accepting things as they are and it really brought out the best in her character. Maki learned to be honest with herself and the one she loves, which I really feel like it gave Midori that extra push to finally speak her mind. This is a must read for yuri lovers who are a fan of soft, heart warming reads. The storytelling is very well done and the art style is different, but beautifully drawn. It's one of those yuris that make you want to know the characters on a personal level, I may be hyping it up more than I should but out of all the yuris I've read in a course of 20 years, this is one I can always go back to without ever getting tired of it.
Warikitta Kankei desukara.