Best Friends
I haven't read many alpha/omega-verse series let alone one that's a yuri, I'm still slightly confused about the whole pheromone and heat cycle thing, especially when betas are involved. I've reread this manhua twice because I felt like I needed to read it a second time in order to give a fair rating of it, and even then, I felt like 3 stars was overly generous. Not to say that is was a bad story, I just personally felt like it was narrated poorly, plus the poorly translated chapters near the end didn't help with that. I do believe this could have been a much better story if it was being told from Minjus point of view instead of Hayoons, the entire premise of Hayoon wanting to leave and get away out of fear of being abandoned never even hit me as a possible direction the manhua would have considered taking, such a cliché plot to use when the opposing character is almost always obsessed and in love with protagonist in question without there being a slither of doubt of how much they like the one trying so desperately to get over their feeling/ trying to leave. For me, the story would have done a lot better with us viewing it from Minjus perspective because we already know how she feels and what her end goal is, it would have made for a much more exciting story if we didn't know Hayoons intentions and we got cliffhangers with her just up and disappearing and us not knowing why or where she went. Overall, it wasn't the worse omegaverse I've read- though it might be one of the worse yuri-megaverse I've seen- but despite me being disappointed/ confused with the story and universe, I did still really enjoy every character that was introduced. I might give this manhua another read later down the line once I'm more familiar and comfortable with yuri omegaverse.
Drunken Relationship (Alcoholism)
Kinda went through the loop in the beginning, I was confused on who the story was suppose to focus on, not that having 3 or 4 protagonists made it bad though. If the story was suppose to center around Shinbi (the blue hair girl) and Yeju (the redhead), I at least would have loved to see where their trails and troubles eventually lead for them, we got just a glance at that with the afterstory, but after they got together, it seemed like the story went from them to Jay and Nuel. Now if it was actually suppose to center around Jay (the black haired girl), I really really enjoyed the storytelling. Even from Shinbi's and Yeju's perspective, the storytelling was so well done and original. Jay's character is hard to match when it comes to romantic partners, but Nuel ended up fitting that space almost perfectly in the side story, I love their dynamic, relationship, communication, they brought so much to this story. Definitely wouldn't mind having a spin off series of just them. This was an exciting read to me, I loved all the twists, surprises, cliffhangers, and most of all, all of the NSFW scenes (which I'm super picky about). The characters felt so real and relatable without any tropes to try to appeal to the readers. This will be one for the books, one I'd love to forget it's in my list just so I can have the comfort of going back to reread it.
My Princess Charming
Super cute story and very easy to read. I really liked how it started off, but I didn't care for Yunas personality, however I do understand that her arrogance made the story what it was. I loved Mins character, that boyish style with a cool and coy personality is such a great character trope regardless of the content of the writing. If I have to leave a critique, it would be how Min ended up leaving her first love for Yuna. I don't believe fake lovers should end up together to make a good story, while I agree with the majority that Min's professor didn't deserve her, I personally didn't think Min deserved Yuna in that respect either. I would have loved for Yuna to have ended up with Seyun, but regardless of the outcome, the story itself would have still be good. Here's hoping we get a side story about the professor or even Seyun if we're lucky, I'd be thrilled to read more of this story.
You Are My Angela
Oh my God, I have a wave of emotions going through me right now! This story is absolutely beautiful, I was holding back tears over the symbolism! I have no words, it feels like even trying to leave a review is so hard to do for me at the moment because of the emotions I've expressed while reading through this. Love is such a beautiful thing, and too much love could be a dangerous weapon. You have to be willing to sacrifice for the ones you love, but even those who love you can hurt you and still love you. There is so much that can be taken from this story, absolutely phenomenal story telling, the theme of this story fit so incredibly well with an angel having their wings cut off. I really can't express the sheer amount of emotions this story sent me through, the shock, the sadness, the heartfelt moments, and the softness of the art style made this unforgettable. I've always rated this author with pretty high marks for the artwork and originality with these one-shots alone, but this story put me into a place I never thought a yuri would put me in. I don't believe any other one-shot will ever be as beautifully written as this one, I have genuine tears in my eyes. I can't put into words how stunningly beautiful this story was, this is definitely one you do not want to skip over!
Before the Spilled Milk Dries
Wow wow wow. I knew the author of these stories could get a little dark, but I greatly overestimate the tragedy tag. Even though, my God I still enjoyed reading through it. The chapter with Miki and her childhood crush was so amazing, that plot twist at the end had me speechless, I had to go back to reread the entire chapter over again just to make sure I wasn't confused. I got literal chicken skin when I made it to the end of that chapter and realized what actually was happening. Like I've always said when rating these kinds of works, this author does a PHENOMENAL job telling such thrilling and interesting stories with just a one-shot. The sheer amount of raw emotions I was experiencing reading through some of these stories is unmatched, and the fact that the author can give me that with just 15 to 20 pages of art to tell such a breathtaking story is incredible. Anyone who can rate these stories anything less than 5 stars likely just underestimated the tragedy tag because, like myself, you wouldn't think art this cute and innocent looking would hold darker meanings. But for the people who enjoy that kind of genre and take the tags to heart, I can't see them rating this anything but 5 stars.
Make a mark
Beautifully written love story about longing and regret. The reverse transition in the second part was surprising, but I loved how their roles were reversed, then, and only then did the senpai understand how she felt. That love, that longing, the unwillingness to leave no matter how many times you get hurt, this is raw love. I hate so much that the younger girl had to get hurt so many times until she became a version of herself she resented in her senpai, it's such an ironic story that was amazingly written. I love this author so much, the twists, surprises, tragedies in all their short stories are always so well done. Wonderful job.
I Liked Your Bad Sides
Another wonderful one-shot by the author. This story hits me so hard because I can absolutely relate to the girl with the lighter hair. She fell in love with the girl with the black hair, she loved everything about her, her good and her bad sides, she genuinely loved her and accepted all of her, but once someone starts to change- even for the better- can you say that you love that person the same as when you first fell in love with them? This is such a heart wrenching story to me because I can sympathize with both sides, the darker haired girl because she wanted to become a better version of herself so she wouldn't worry the person she loves, and the lighter haired girl because those traits the dark haired girl is trying to fix are the very traits that made the lighter hair one love her truly, and she couldn't possibly tell her to stop fixing herself. She wanted someone to care for, I believe that's where her love came from, but when that's no longer needed, what's to be done? She was genuinely hurt to have to leave her, but leaving her would be for the best because if all she wanted was to be relied upon while the other person wanted to become more independent, their relationship was bound to have failed. Bittersweet love story, phenomenal storytelling, and breathtaking artwork, this one shot was a delight and heartache to read.
Kill Switch
I liked the story and the art, it had a great original plot that you don't see in most yuris. Loved Jeongwon's character. The design to the personality, she gave my brain happy chemicals every time I saw her. Jisoo was such a great match for her, their dynamic went so well together, from the very beginning I felt like they were the perfect match. Hwayeon, however... well, I guess her character was made specifically for her to be disliked, and that's understandable. She was a crooked character from the start who only really ever cared for herself and what other people could provide for her. When Jeongwon started getting attracted to Jisoo, I don't believe Hwayeon's reaction came from genuine concern or fear of losing a friend/ fuck buddy. I think she knew she was going to lose a reliable source of money, living space, and attention. Most of the problems that Jisoo and Jeongwon faced before they even started dating was because of Hwayeon, so as a character who is suppose to be the antagonist, she was written really well, I just wish she had more of a redemption. Overall, this was a fantastic read, the characters are relatable and cute, the scenes are beautiful, the tone and mood of the NSFW scenes are done at a great pace (not too many, not too few), this one will be going to my list of rereads because I genuinely enjoyed nearly every chapter.
Eve's Medicine
I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, this would have made some great work if it wasn't pedophile material! I refuse to rate it any higher! I would have even given it a fighting chance if the ages were 15 or 16, this is literally a child! She looks like she's maybe 10 at the latest! I can tolerate extreme age gap if it's innocent and cute with no sexual intent or activities, but this here is pure satanic and the only people who I will assume actually likes this are pedophiles themselves! TToTT you can't change my mind! Why is stuff like this allowed to get published lmao. Like, fuck a doll, fuck your siblings, for God's sake, fuck a goat just please LEAVE LITERAL CHIKDREN OUT OF YOUR SEXUAL FANTASIES! TToTT
Positively Yours