Encirclement Love
This was such a cute yaoi, which is saying a lot coming from someone as obsessed with yuri as I am. Loved each and every character introduced, but just slightly underwhelmed with how the story was led. The concept was a little lost on me, I was disappointed that that was the way they wanted to lead into the relationship portion of the story, but nonetheless, it was still extremely entertaining to read through. Loved the characters, loved the tone, and loved the pairings. This author does some very good yaois and huge props for making such great characters without the need of debt or rªpe culture.
Marie and Alex
This is the first yuri I've seen from this author and their artstyle got me into Drunken Relationship (another yuri by them). It's a shame that it was so short because it was honestly a great story about a master and servant, plus I really really liked the master, she was incredibly written I love the idea of her not thinking of her servant as lesser because of their social status. Like anything from this author, the art is amazing, the storytelling never leaves you confused or uninterested, and the bedroom scenes are so well done, my only issue is the length of the story (or lack of, in this case). I'm sure they had their reasons as to why the story was so short, it just made for a rushed ending considering how much was thrown onto the red haired woman. She discovered she likes seeing her servant cry, then she discovered she liked her servant, then she discovered S&M then she discovered she's the one who really wants to make her servant cry. It felt like there was no time for either of them to understand or explore their feelings, it just all had to be quickly brushed over so the story could be completed. Even so, for a short story, I still give it high marks for being able to have so much conflict and suspense and being able to tell the story smoothly until the end.
Run Away With Me, Girl
A beautifully written story about two young women coming to terms with themselves and with each other. Midori finally learns to stop accepting things as they are and it really brought out the best in her character. Maki learned to be honest with herself and the one she loves, which I really feel like it gave Midori that extra push to finally speak her mind. This is a must read for yuri lovers who are a fan of soft, heart warming reads. The storytelling is very well done and the art style is different, but beautifully drawn. It's one of those yuris that make you want to know the characters on a personal level, I may be hyping it up more than I should but out of all the yuris I've read in a course of 20 years, this is one I can always go back to without ever getting tired of it.
White Angels Have No Wings
Uhm... I don't really know what to say about this one. I personally couldn't stand any of the characters, every character is either weak or unnecessarily mean and hateful. Some scenes really don't make sense, nor do they needed to be added to make the plot of the story make sense and it felt like a huge plot got thrown in the middle of the manhwa and there was a rush just to get it compeltey because the ending really had me scratching my head. Would I reccomended this to yuri readers who enjoy long, semi-difficult reads? Yeah sure, it hits that mark. But I wouldn't reccomend for anyone who likes the cute shoujo side of yuri. None of the characters are any good, way too many bully scenes, and the surprise plot felt forced with the albino girl. Not saying this was a bad read, or even one of the worst I've read, it nails it's genre to a T, but it isn't for beginner yuri readers or people who just enjoy cute manhwas.
Moshi, Koi ga Mieta Nara
I really enjoyed this story. It has the perfect amount of drama, fluff scenes, and character development. I'm a little disappointed with how it ended, not a bad ending at all- I just had such high hopes that all 3 would end up together but that's from my own shipping so it doesn't hinder the story whatsoever. Really cute series and easy to read, I'd love to pick up another manga with a similar plot like this one.
Kimi no Tabegoro
I'm normally a yuri reader, but this was cute, I'm glad I decided to give it a read. I typically try to be cautious with yaoi because I don't like forced feelings (i.e. ræpe culture, molestation, forced romance) but if yaois were more like this one, I'd consider switching sides lol. Really cute and simple read, loved the character designs and the personalities, it was a great read from beginning to end. This artist has also been added to my list because it looks like a fair bit of their yaoi is cute and harmless. Looking forward to seeing more from them in the future.
Positively Yours
This is the quickest I think I've ever read a webtoom/ manhua. My go-to read is mostly yuri and shoujo-ai so I honestly did not expect to complete this one once I stumbled across it, but this was really one of the best romance webtoons I've read in a while. Not only is the art beautiful, but the story is so original and well written. It took insane creative courage to be able to stick with such a plot and be able to execute it beautifully until the very end, I never wanted to stop reading this. I normally leave at least one critique on all the stories I've read, and if I had one, it would probably be how frustrating the communication was for Doo-Jool and Hee-won. It caused a lot of their issues, but to be fair, this isn't really such an honest critique because those situations do happen in real life. I was hoping to have more closure with Hee-won and Min-Wook. A huge reason why she even went out to have a one night stand was because of him, so I'm a little underwhelmed with their development and communication. I hate that she never said anything and just let it fizzle out and die. All-in-all, this was such an emotional read, everything was beautifully done down to the characters, to the artwork, and even the side stories. I'm really hoping to see this artist and author return for more in the future.
Best Friends
I haven't read many alpha/omega-verse series let alone one that's a yuri, I'm still slightly confused about the whole pheromone and heat cycle thing, especially when betas are involved. I've reread this manhua twice because I felt like I needed to read it a second time in order to give a fair rating of it, and even then, I felt like 3 stars was overly generous. Not to say that is was a bad story, I just personally felt like it was narrated poorly, plus the poorly translated chapters near the end didn't help with that. I do believe this could have been a much better story if it was being told from Minjus point of view instead of Hayoons, the entire premise of Hayoon wanting to leave and get away out of fear of being abandoned never even hit me as a possible direction the manhua would have considered taking, such a cliché plot to use when the opposing character is almost always obsessed and in love with protagonist in question without there being a slither of doubt of how much they like the one trying so desperately to get over their feeling/ trying to leave. For me, the story would have done a lot better with us viewing it from Minjus perspective because we already know how she feels and what her end goal is, it would have made for a much more exciting story if we didn't know Hayoons intentions and we got cliffhangers with her just up and disappearing and us not knowing why or where she went. Overall, it wasn't the worse omegaverse I've read- though it might be one of the worse yuri-megaverse I've seen- but despite me being disappointed/ confused with the story and universe, I did still really enjoy every character that was introduced. I might give this manhua another read later down the line once I'm more familiar and comfortable with yuri omegaverse.
Shoujo Sect