I had forgotten all about this yuri, and very sad I did for a moment, but was delighted at the prospect of enjoying it again from the beginning. Absolutely phenomenal story with such depth in characters, easily a 5 star read!
Great story that tackles sexism, classism, and women empowerment. How the romance was implemented was just breathtaking, to say the least. Cheong and Madam's relationship from the beginning to the end was such a Rollercoaster of emotions that was so beautifully written and worked out, I wouldn't be surprised if this yuri was in the top 10 yuris when it comes romance. We get such in depth perspectives of both these characters, not only from their childhoods, but with their relationship as well. I can't say I saw the twist near the end coming, but regardless if I did or didn't, this manhua didn't disappoint when it came to putting me on the edge of my seat nearly every chapter. It was so hard to not hit next chapter that I found myself finishing all 85 chapters in a matter of 5 days. Not only was the story for the protagonists perfectly wrapped up with no loose ends, the author also managed to give all the supporting characters the closure they deserved. I'm very happy I came across this yuri again, it simply is an amazing piece of work.
Her ShimCheong