White Lilies in Love BRIDE's Newlywed Yuri Anthology
This was entirely too cute to handle, I typically don't leave comments on anthologies since it's an amalgamation of authors and stories, but this anthology in particular really did something too me. Not sure what it was, but I actually started crying reading the fox wedding story, hormones are a hell or a thing. But to get back on topic, all of the stories were beautiful and well worth the read. I'd love to own the physical copy of this just to have it in my collection because it's something I can definitely see myself going back to reread because of how sweet and cute it was.
I Adore you, Teacher
Not vibing with the story one bit. Like always, the art is breathtaking, but this story was... everywhere? I don't even really know how to articulate what I thought about it. I did want to like Seonmin, and I did in the beginning, but pitied her towards the end. The professor is just straight garbage for reasons outside of cheating and manipulation, and I don't even know where to begin with Yujin. Like, all the characters were bad and the ending was horrible. I'm so surprised too because this authors other works are pretty decent, not sure what happened here. Drama be dammed, this was hardly entertaining to read, it just just an amalgamation of sex scenes and nonsense. To give such a complex plot to characters we know little to nothing about and no time to even developed a connection with was bound to end bad, but this read was an all time low for me sadly. There's no one to feel sorry for, no one to be happy for, no one to root for, no end goal or anything and I hate that Yujin still ended up getting her happy ending. I hate that I couldn't enjoy this read, but even so, I still gave it 3 stars just because I love literally every other manhwa the author has made, this one just didn't sit right with me.
We Are in Love So Much We Laugh
I love these two. I remember buying a copy of I Love You So Much I Hate You, and immediately fell in love with the artwork and story. I'm so glad the author continued their lives together through these side stories, they've been such a pleasure to read. I love light hearted, down to earth, relatable stories like these with such great characters. Highy recommend checking out I Love You So Much I Hate You if you haven't already. Really, anything by this author I would highly recommend, but these two drive it home for me.
Love is fantasy! ~The Queen~
I gotta say, this was an interesting read. Not entirely a big fan of omegaverse style manhua/manhwas, but this one was kinda nice to read. Let me start off by saying how much I LOVE Mujin and I wish he could have gotten some sort of ending where he was happy as well, I even would have settled for a poly relationship amongst the three just to see him happy. I hope there is a spinoff of the spinoff in the future with Mujin finding some happiness outside of theirs. Now, as far as Do-gyeom is concerned... I don't know... I definitely didn't dislike her character, but she wasn't entirely one of my favorites either? I love a good complex female character, but I couldn't bring myself to sympathize with her. And poor, sweet Seung-ah... my precious baby, he didn't deserve anything he was put through, I don't care, I will fight tooth and nail for him! Overall, the story was fantastic. It was suspenseful, complex, interesting, heartfelt, and so many other things. It was truly a good read for it to have been a side story. Regardless, the dreaded 4 star was because of how Mujins story ended. Justice for my man Mujin.
The Name of my Feelings