Cirque Arachne
It might be because I have a soft spot for this artist, but they'll always receive 5 stars from me. I felt the same way about Raubritter, the artwork- always beautiful, the characters- always great, the story- has the potential to be incredibly well written if given the time and volumes, but for the short chapters that have been released by this artist, none have ever made me want to not continue reading. The artwork alone is what keeps me a faithful reader. Beautifully written story, albeit fast-paced, full of well written characters booming with personality. I just wish these great series weren't just 6 chapters short. Easy and fast read that you won't regret, beautiful artwork that you'll always remember.
Beautiful manhua with beautiful characters and storytelling. I swooned over Lee Sun the second I saw her, and Doyoung had my heart the instant I saw his personality. I love how this story was written, I just wish it could have gone on a little longer to get better closure of some of the characters, but the author did a good job of closing those loose ends. If I have one critique, it would be that I would have liked to see a little more SM play between Sun and Doyoung since she really discovered that side of herself through him, it just felt like that switch got flipped for her and that's all we really get. I would have loved to see them exploring their kinks, discovering new toys and styles, and really bonding over that- not to say the story wasn't perfect the way it is, I would have just enjoyed it a bit more if their alone time showed more of that. I'd love to see a side story in the future about Robin and his new girlfriend or even Jia and Bom (because Yuri will always be my #1 genre) but I don't believe the creator has any plans of making a side story. All in all, this was such a great read, the art, the storytelling, the emotions- all of it was great from beginning to end despite it wrapping up the problem and solution so quickly.
Bad Thinking Diary
The story was slightly a drag in the beginning with a very outused "I've got feelings for you but I won't tell you until the point where one or both of us gets hurt" trope, however the beautiful art made it worth pressing through the first couple of chapters. I feel like the ending was rushed maybe, there were one or two loose strings I would have liked to have seen get addressed, one huge one is with Hyera. She obviously has feelings for Yu-na that was thrown at the readers out of nowhere, addressed once, and then never brought up again, I would have loved to see more interactions with them both working through that obsession of Hyeras and potentially making up or parting ways once everything was out in the open. Hopefully there will be side chapters addressing this more and peering more into Hyeras background and giving us more clarity as to why she was so obsessed with Yu-na. Overall, I really started enjoying this manhwa nearing the middle and end, phenomenal art, beautiful character designs, and exciting storytelling (even with a cliché trope). Glad to see this artist get so popular from this and I hope to see more from them in the future.
A Pervert's Daily Life
I don't typically read these types of manhua, but I really enjoyed this. What got me reading was the character design, Seyoung was so pretty to me to the point where I found myself screenshotting frames of her face just to draw later. I loved everything about her, I even based a character from my yuri off of her design and personality. The story was really interesting and something you don't see much of when a young man is involved, the title had me thinking immediately that Jinwoo was the protagonist and we'd be seeing the story revolved around him and his perverted tendencies, it caught me off guard when the cute, small, quiet girl was actually the pervert. Outside the art alone, the scenes were beautiful and well written, my only critique would be the embarrassingly long amount of time it took for them to get together. They should have guessed that the other person liked them (especially considering they liked enough to raw dog) and I do not like tropes where no one is even trying to ask the other out with various signs showing that they're interested. I get it makes for a suspenseful story they're able to drag out longer, but it's so very frustrating.
Positively Yours
This is the quickest I think I've ever read a webtoom/ manhua. My go-to read is mostly yuri and shoujo-ai so I honestly did not expect to complete this one once I stumbled across it, but this was really one of the best romance webtoons I've read in a while. Not only is the art beautiful, but the story is so original and well written. It took insane creative courage to be able to stick with such a plot and be able to execute it beautifully until the very end, I never wanted to stop reading this. I normally leave at least one critique on all the stories I've read, and if I had one, it would probably be how frustrating the communication was for Doo-Jool and Hee-won. It caused a lot of their issues, but to be fair, this isn't really such an honest critique because those situations do happen in real life. I was hoping to have more closure with Hee-won and Min-Wook. A huge reason why she even went out to have a one night stand was because of him, so I'm a little underwhelmed with their development and communication. I hate that she never said anything and just let it fizzle out and die. All-in-all, this was such an emotional read, everything was beautifully done down to the characters, to the artwork, and even the side stories. I'm really hoping to see this artist and author return for more in the future.
Drunken Relationship (Alcoholism)
Kinda went through the loop in the beginning, I was confused on who the story was suppose to focus on, not that having 3 or 4 protagonists made it bad though. If the story was suppose to center around Shinbi (the blue hair girl) and Yeju (the redhead), I at least would have loved to see where their trails and troubles eventually lead for them, we got just a glance at that with the afterstory, but after they got together, it seemed like the story went from them to Jay and Nuel. Now if it was actually suppose to center around Jay (the black haired girl), I really really enjoyed the storytelling. Even from Shinbi's and Yeju's perspective, the storytelling was so well done and original. Jay's character is hard to match when it comes to romantic partners, but Nuel ended up fitting that space almost perfectly in the side story, I love their dynamic, relationship, communication, they brought so much to this story. Definitely wouldn't mind having a spin off series of just them. This was an exciting read to me, I loved all the twists, surprises, cliffhangers, and most of all, all of the NSFW scenes (which I'm super picky about). The characters felt so real and relatable without any tropes to try to appeal to the readers. This will be one for the books, one I'd love to forget it's in my list just so I can have the comfort of going back to reread it.
The Villainess Who Steals the Heroine's Heart
Too cute for words. Yuris like these are my absolute favorite, it's so nice to be able to comfortably read in public. I also really like yuris that don't need to rely on NSFW scenes to make a good story, this was so wonderfully done, I'm just sad about how slow it is. This is my first time coming across this artist, their art style gives me late 90's early 2000's style art, and I mean that with the most admiration. I loved the art style of this, I loved the characters, I loved setting, I would pay good money to have this turned into a full series. Hoping to see more from this artist in the future, but for now, this will definitely be a yuri I'll gladly revisit in the future!
It's hard to give fair ratings on one-shots, because there isn't really much to critique from just a few pages of context, especially one with such short dialog, however, given the small length of this chapter, it was still incredibly cute and simple to read. Not much to gather from the short conversations the two had in the story, and I personally don't care for openings where they throw you into the middle of the story without any context, but all in all I enjoyed reading through it. Cute, yet simple and I appreciate the extra page at the end focusing on the cap and the watch, it made going back to reread it a lot more detailed once you realized why a lot of senses focused on those two objects.
If It Rains Next Week
I finally realized why this artwork felt so comforting to me, it's been so long since I've read work by this author. I had forgotten all about them until a new manga just dropped by them and now I'm going back and rereading this again. Of all their short stories, this one is by far my favorite. The story is beautiful, the art is breathtaking, the scenery is phenomenally drawn, I felt like I was personally feeling the emotions of the characters while reading through this. I found myself in the process of holding back tears when I thought they wouldn't see each other again. Such an original story, I'm so disappointed that this was a one-shot, but for the author to convey the emotions, attraction, detachment, remorse, longing, regret, all of those feelings in a span of one chapter AND for it to make such a beautiful telling story from beginning to end deserves immense credit. I would love to see this story be turned into a full volume manga series, I would buy every single book.