White Angels Have No Rest
This side story was much better than the original "White Angels Have No Wings" in my honest opinion. The love/hate gimmic they have going on is kinda outplayed, but this sequal did a much better job of diving into the characters mind and meaning behind their behaviors than they did in the first story. It really made you question who to like, who to hate, and who to feel sorry for. After reading the whole series, I'm still not sure who really deserves to be hated in the story. Writer did an amazing job with that, the characters were very well written, the trauma felt so real that my heart felt like it got lodged in my throat nearly every other chapter, and the emotions towards the end had me in near tears. I'm really hoping there will be a third series peering more into Minhye and deputy manager Lee, I can see a lot happening between them. Also seeing how Song Ayeon progressed on wouldn't be bad either. I saw some chemistry between her and Yeonhwa's little sister. All in all, I reccomend if you're in for a long read. Do not take the tags lightly, there is borderline abuse in this manhwa, so please read with caution if that's something you happen to be sensitive about.
Beautiful manhua with beautiful characters and storytelling. I swooned over Lee Sun the second I saw her, and Doyoung had my heart the instant I saw his personality. I love how this story was written, I just wish it could have gone on a little longer to get better closure of some of the characters, but the author did a good job of closing those loose ends. If I have one critique, it would be that I would have liked to see a little more SM play between Sun and Doyoung since she really discovered that side of herself through him, it just felt like that switch got flipped for her and that's all we really get. I would have loved to see them exploring their kinks, discovering new toys and styles, and really bonding over that- not to say the story wasn't perfect the way it is, I would have just enjoyed it a bit more if their alone time showed more of that. I'd love to see a side story in the future about Robin and his new girlfriend or even Jia and Bom (because Yuri will always be my #1 genre) but I don't believe the creator has any plans of making a side story. All in all, this was such a great read, the art, the storytelling, the emotions- all of it was great from beginning to end despite it wrapping up the problem and solution so quickly.
Lilith (Sirius)
The second portion of Lilith is slightly better but for me, this was hard to follow along with. So many characters lives and backstories got thrown into the manhua and it made it slightly difficult to read through, it could have been slightly more separated in my opinion. I don't like Huilin, not even as a character who's main purpose is to be disliked (which I'm not sure if hers is) but she is just such a cliché villain who ruined the story for me. I almost don't like Jaehee either, her character is weak and poorly written with almost no character growth or development considering the things they had her go through. They only character I have sympathy for is Sulhwa but only because she's so invested in Jaehee and she deserves someone so much better. Overall, the story was good nearing the middle and end (despite having such a hard to follow beginning that just felt all over the place) but it isn't included in Lilith, it gets better in Lilith 2. Though the art might be bleh, the BDSM scenes were great and the emotion from most of the characters was very well done.
Lilith 2
I had to go back to reread this to give it a better rating. I was too harsh on it the first time because as I was reading it, I kept comparing it to What Does The Fox Say because of the similarities and that jaded my opinion of it. Even then, I was still a little reluctant to give it 4 stars because the story really did remind me so much of WDTFS for obvious reasons outside of the BDSM. The only character worth reading for after a certain point is Sulhwa and I still stand by my opinion that Jaehee doesn't deserve her. I can't say she would have been better off with Huilin, but I felt like the story would have been better if it ended with Jaehee on her own after finally realizing what true love is- Sulhwa was so eager to run back to her and take her back after being hurt by her so many times that it made me almost sick. Sulhwa should have found better, Jaehee should have learned to love and lose, and Huilin... well, I would have liked to have seen more of a redemption from her than a sob apology, so I still don't think she deserves happiness for all she's done, but that's just me. The story would have been so good if the author was more spontaneous in their endings, characters don't need to have happy endings in order for the story to feel like it's completed and that's what I felt like the author was trying to do. All in all, the read wasn't boring in the slightest, there is enough smut and drama to keep anyone entertained, my only criticism is I wish the characters were written a little better. They're all such cliché villains and heros that if it wasn't for the smut, it would have been difficult for me to keep reading but cliché is okay if the story itself is good, so good job author. I'd love a spin-off series of Huilin getting more of a redemption or even U-Young Sun and that student hitting it off.
Sadistic Beauty: Side Story
I can't believe I never left a review on this, I'm glad I finally came back to reread it because this is likely one of the best side stories I've seen. Not too many stories really wrap up side characters by giving them their own story, and most of them are never as good as this one. When I realized this story was about Gyerin, I nearly cried! Out of all the characters, she was my favorite and the one most deserving of love in this series. I was so nervous thinking she might end up with Duna so the excitement I felt knowing her ending would be wrapped up in this side story sent me over the moon! Gyerin was honestly the only character in the story who had any real development and personality. Sure, she was clingy, but not nearly as insufferable as the male lead. After reading the main story and both side stories (yeesh on that yaoi side story) Gyerin and Juyeons was really the only relationship I could 100% stand behind that made the most sense to me. I'm so happy she got her good ending, I love how they wrapped up her tale because at the end of the day, she really was the only character (who got hurt) worth caring about.
Marie and Alex