Ring my Bell
Not gonna lie, I really slept on this manhwa. I remember reading 2 or 3 chapters years ago and couldn't make it any farther because I didn't think the story was that interesting but I'm glad I gave it another change (even if it was years late). It's not that I thought the story was boring or anything, just that there wasn't much excitement that made me want to keep reading, but as I kept clicking chapter after chapter, I noticed how wholesome their story was. Outside of the drama or conflict, this felt like a genuine, real, and relatable story about two women who really love one another. These characters felt real, which is something I don't say frequently when I'm reading webtoons. Although it does start off a little slow and irratic, watching the progression and passion of the two main characters easily made this series a top 10 for me. Definitely consider giving it a read if you like simple and sweet stories.
We Are in Love So Much We Laugh
I love these two. I remember buying a copy of I Love You So Much I Hate You, and immediately fell in love with the artwork and story. I'm so glad the author continued their lives together through these side stories, they've been such a pleasure to read. I love light hearted, down to earth, relatable stories like these with such great characters. Highy recommend checking out I Love You So Much I Hate You if you haven't already. Really, anything by this author I would highly recommend, but these two drive it home for me.
A Most Consummate Night