OnlyMes's manga / #Adorable(33)

Ai wa Hito o Yowakusururashi

Complete | murasakino | 2019 released

Cute and easy to read one-shot, the characters as so nicely drawn and I love the color scheme used for the lighting. The story showed all too real realities of where our minds can take us when we're with someone we love. I really love the fact too that the lighter haired girl never gave any thought to what's real or what's fake until the dark haired girl asked her why she wasn't afraid because even if what they're watching is fiction, it can resonate with you and make you think about the people in your reality. It wasn't scary for the lighter haired girl until she saw her lover in that situation, that was so beautiful. Always love the storytelling from this authors short stories, they're always done so well. Definitely a simple, yet good read that surprisingly pulls on your heart strings just a tad bit at the end.

Make a mark

Ongoing | Murasakino | 2000 released

Beautifully written love story about longing and regret. The reverse transition in the second part was surprising, but I loved how their roles were reversed, then, and only then did the senpai understand how she felt. That love, that longing, the unwillingness to leave no matter how many times you get hurt, this is raw love. I hate so much that the younger girl had to get hurt so many times until she became a version of herself she resented in her senpai, it's such an ironic story that was amazingly written. I love this author so much, the twists, surprises, tragedies in all their short stories are always so well done. Wonderful job.


Ongoing | Shinoa (murasakino) | 2019 released

Had to give this one the dreaded 4 star rating because, personally, I'm not a fan of the "we both have feelings for each other but neither of us will say anything about it and continue to hurt each other" cliché. It's so overused and it's so hard to make a good, original story when that trope is the premise of the plot. Not to say that the read was boring, just predictable. I would love to see where they end up in the future, I know this particular author has a thing for tragic endings though so I should be a little relieved that their future is basically left up to the readers. I've read nearly all of the Mangas by this author available to me and they are easily a favorite of mine, the stories are always pleasant to read, the characters are cute, and the artwork is absolutely amazing, so coming from a biased standpoint, this story- even with the cliché- is still well written. I love all the tiny little twists the author puts in their work, it always has me going back to reread it when I've reached the end just so it gives me a different perspective. As always, beautiful work.

I Liked Your Bad Sides

Complete | Shinoa | 2019 released

Another wonderful one-shot by the author. This story hits me so hard because I can absolutely relate to the girl with the lighter hair. She fell in love with the girl with the black hair, she loved everything about her, her good and her bad sides, she genuinely loved her and accepted all of her, but once someone starts to change- even for the better- can you say that you love that person the same as when you first fell in love with them? This is such a heart wrenching story to me because I can sympathize with both sides, the darker haired girl because she wanted to become a better version of herself so she wouldn't worry the person she loves, and the lighter haired girl because those traits the dark haired girl is trying to fix are the very traits that made the lighter hair one love her truly, and she couldn't possibly tell her to stop fixing herself. She wanted someone to care for, I believe that's where her love came from, but when that's no longer needed, what's to be done? She was genuinely hurt to have to leave her, but leaving her would be for the best because if all she wanted was to be relied upon while the other person wanted to become more independent, their relationship was bound to have failed. Bittersweet love story, phenomenal storytelling, and breathtaking artwork, this one shot was a delight and heartache to read.

How to End an Unrequited Love

Complete | Pai | 2000 released

A bit different compared to what I normally read, but this one of a kind story really grabbed my attention from the very beginning until the very end. What I can appreciate the most about this series is how no character beats around the bush, they know exactly what they want, and when they have an issue or something they want to address, they communicate that- if not in the same chapter, then the very next. It was always so frustrating for me reading yuris in the past where so much of the conflicts came from someone not being honest with the person in question so they end up getting hurt! I get it prolongs the story, but if the story itself isn't that good of a read because it relies on cliché tropes like so many other yuris, then outplayed conflicts of interest just makes it so much harder to read through when the readers already know what to expect for the solution. I love the way this story introduced Boksil, a hopeless romantic who had no luck at dating, but didn't let that deter her. If I'd have never looked at the cover photo for the manhua, I would have never guessed that Boksil and DoYoon wouldn't have ended up together. Brave decision to write a story around falling in love with one character just to end up with the characters best friend. I loved Seim's character, but DoYoon was an easy favorite for me. If anyone in this story deserved a happy ending, it was her, and I'm glad she didn't let her first love ruin her perspective on relationships, I had the most worry for her because of that and, although I saw it coming, I knew she and JiYoo would end up together- which I'm also very thrilled for. All in all, the story was amazing, funny, and original, the characters have so much depth and development, and there is so much individuality put into each character introduced, and the artwork is really pretty. Cute, quick, and easy read, this won't be a yuri anyone would regret reading.

Her Pet

Complete | pito | 2015 released

Very cute story. I liked the concept of where the story was headed, but it's still a little difficult to grasp. I understand the whole "pet" situation, but I didn't feel like this would ever happen, even in a manhwa. The build up between Soha and Gayoon could have been so much better to where it could have lead up to the pet/master relationship after they got closer, but ideally, I don't see that relationship just happening over the simple fact that Gayoon favored her dog. Personally, that would have made the story better in my honest opinion. Regardless, I loved Gayoon's and Soha's characters, they fit hand in hand with one another. One relationship I'm still sort of on the fence about is Sol's and Soo's. Felt a little forced for the sake of love. I'm a little disappointed with Yurim's character, I might be the only one with this option, but I did like her as a character. I'm so glad we got to look at most of the side characters background and see who they were before all of this, and Yurim's character just hit harder to me than anyone's. She was always in the spotlight, always praised, always placed on this pedestal where everyone put her to the point where she started truly thinking she was special- until she wasn't. And when she fell down, she fell down hard. Lost almost all her friends, got suspended, got picked on, rumors spread about her, and she really did try to be the bigger person in the beginning. Does this justify her bullying Gayoon? Absolutely not, but her character didn't get half the justice everyone else got when it came to redemption. For that, I had to give 4 stars. She's been through a lot and hurt people hurt people, I hate that her story closed without her being redeemed when she clearly deserved it, but I can at least get satisfaction in knowing she tried her best with the fight between her and Soha and she accepted her defeat. She at least got closure on that. Overall, this is a very good, albeit, weird story of overcoming troubles, learning to move on, and accepting love. The characters were written incredibly well and the chapters are pretty much all entertaining in terms of drama or action. Definitely worth the read.

Encirclement Love

Complete | Yodogawa yuo | 2019 released

This was such a cute yaoi, which is saying a lot coming from someone as obsessed with yuri as I am. Loved each and every character introduced, but just slightly underwhelmed with how the story was led. The concept was a little lost on me, I was disappointed that that was the way they wanted to lead into the relationship portion of the story, but nonetheless, it was still extremely entertaining to read through. Loved the characters, loved the tone, and loved the pairings. This author does some very good yaois and huge props for making such great characters without the need of debt or rªpe culture.

Tami and the Yukionna

Ongoing | Nagori yu | 2019 released

Not much to really say about this one. It's cute, but the plot is all over the place. Or lack of plot? I don't know, not all stories need a plot, but for this to have so many chapters, it read like an anthology than a book. I'm never sure what's going on. Be that as it may, the characters are really cute and it's a pretty simple read.

Cheerful Amnesia

Ongoing | Oku Tamamushi | 2000 released

Too cute for words! This is the kind of yuri I eat up! Everything was done so perfectly! From the story to the art, down to the characters and their traits, this was definitely a 10 out of 10 for me! I try to leave at least one honest critique for every thing I read, but for the life of me, I can't think of a single thing that I think could have been done better with this manga. I may be hyping this up more than I should, but it's been such a long time since I've read such a wholesome, sweet, and funny yuri with such great characters, especially one that can be this popular and not have to rely on sex scenes or fan service. Great work, great writing, fantastic read, this will be one that'll be on my reread list for sure.

Her ShimCheong

Complete | Seri, Bi-wan | 2000 released

I had forgotten all about this yuri, and very sad I did for a moment, but was delighted at the prospect of enjoying it again from the beginning. Absolutely phenomenal story with such depth in characters, easily a 5 star read! Great story that tackles sexism, classism, and women empowerment. How the romance was implemented was just breathtaking, to say the least. Cheong and Madam's relationship from the beginning to the end was such a Rollercoaster of emotions that was so beautifully written and worked out, I wouldn't be surprised if this yuri was in the top 10 yuris when it comes romance. We get such in depth perspectives of both these characters, not only from their childhoods, but with their relationship as well. I can't say I saw the twist near the end coming, but regardless if I did or didn't, this manhua didn't disappoint when it came to putting me on the edge of my seat nearly every chapter. It was so hard to not hit next chapter that I found myself finishing all 85 chapters in a matter of 5 days. Not only was the story for the protagonists perfectly wrapped up with no loose ends, the author also managed to give all the supporting characters the closure they deserved. I'm very happy I came across this yuri again, it simply is an amazing piece of work.