Be Careful, Onee-san.
It's.... weird lmao! It's a super weird read, but I can appreciate the pacing and approach the author took for this. It takes courage to make a romance genre when there's such a significant age gap, but a working woman falling for a grade schooler was kind of extreme. Thankful that it stayed cute and pure throughout the entire story, but also a little jaded that yuris are able to get away with this sort of content. Like, nothing bad happened obviously, but thinking about double standards and if this was a working man falling in love with a elementary school little boy, that's strikingly alarming and for yuris to get away with it just has my mind going to dark places. Overall, I loved loved loved the artwork, loved the characters, and loved the storytelling, it was an amazing and beautiful read from beginning to end and would honestly like to see another bonus chapter or second series of them being older.
Positively Yours
This is the quickest I think I've ever read a webtoom/ manhua. My go-to read is mostly yuri and shoujo-ai so I honestly did not expect to complete this one once I stumbled across it, but this was really one of the best romance webtoons I've read in a while. Not only is the art beautiful, but the story is so original and well written. It took insane creative courage to be able to stick with such a plot and be able to execute it beautifully until the very end, I never wanted to stop reading this. I normally leave at least one critique on all the stories I've read, and if I had one, it would probably be how frustrating the communication was for Doo-Jool and Hee-won. It caused a lot of their issues, but to be fair, this isn't really such an honest critique because those situations do happen in real life. I was hoping to have more closure with Hee-won and Min-Wook. A huge reason why she even went out to have a one night stand was because of him, so I'm a little underwhelmed with their development and communication. I hate that she never said anything and just let it fizzle out and die. All-in-all, this was such an emotional read, everything was beautifully done down to the characters, to the artwork, and even the side stories. I'm really hoping to see this artist and author return for more in the future.
Bongchon Bride
Goodness, this was such an amazing read for me. I loved Bongchon, his character design, his personality, his temperament, he was written so incredibly well, I resonated with him in so many chapters. Soongap grew on me, I kind of didn't like his character in the beginning, but the growth he developed with Bongchon was undeniably so perfectly written out. I'm so impressed with how the story led through the climaxes, it was so difficult to stop at the end of a chapter and not go to the next. I'm not much of a yaoi reader because of the excessive use of sexual force, so I also really appreciate the trigger warnings placed at the beginning of the few chapters that had it. I don't have a critique on this manhua, everything from the plot, to the characters, to the loose strings was done so well. No questions left unanswered, no characters left unredeemed, and those who deserved their happy ending eventually got it. I'm also glad we got to see off Pilgyeon, I loved his "redemption" (if that's what it could be called) at the end of the story. If we ever do get another series outside of Bongchons and Soongaps fishing story, I would love to see a short story about where Mokwon (the young mistress) and her lover went and how they're living. Of all the side characters, they were my favorite.
Honey Latte Girl
This is how a one-shot should be done! For a short story, it was so incredibly well written! I loved the pace of the characters, the placement of tension, the mood, everything fit so well together! It's cute, it shows a development, not only that, but it gave the readers a glimpse of their future with us knowing at the very end how they both feel about each other without having to rely on fan service or cliché accidental hook-ups, this takes immense attention to detail when working on a romance one-shot so my hat's off to the author. Beautiful story, beautiful art, beautiful characters, I can't wait to read more from them in the future.
Teiji ni Agaretara
This manga was really cute, but dang it, if I had a dollar for every time Kayoko or Kaori chose not to speak on their thoughts to the other person, I'd have enough money to buy the damn volume set. Literally every obstacle or challenge either of them faced in this manga was strictly because of a lack of communication. Talk to each other, let the other know how much you love them, let them know when something is troubling you, I never understood the whole "I'll just keep it to myself to avoid hurting you" cliché when that does literally more harm than good, especially if the other person has to find out about it indirectly. One or two times, I can relate, but EVERY time there was a conflict of interest it was because of a lack of communication. Other than that issue, I loved the story. I prefer yuris like these, ones that are cute and fluffy, ones that make my heart flutter. Kayoko was such an innocently cute character and Kaori was such a striking beauty. I really enjoyed reading through this, watching them grow and discover things about themselves and each other, and working through their problems. It tackled adult relationships so well, and I give it high marks for that. I was sad to see it end, but I'm so satisfied with the story's wrap up and conclusion. If there is a chance of this getting a side story, I would LOVE to see Kayoko and her friend Mahiro work through their problems they seem to have. I hate that it ended and we couldn't get closure from Mahiro, who's going to continue her life being in love with her friend who she knows she'll never have a chance with, let alone being able to truly confess to her out of fear of losing their friendship. She's been waiting by Kayokos side for years, I think she deserves happiness of her own so I'm very disappointed on where her story arch ended.
My Princess Charming
Super cute story and very easy to read. I really liked how it started off, but I didn't care for Yunas personality, however I do understand that her arrogance made the story what it was. I loved Mins character, that boyish style with a cool and coy personality is such a great character trope regardless of the content of the writing. If I have to leave a critique, it would be how Min ended up leaving her first love for Yuna. I don't believe fake lovers should end up together to make a good story, while I agree with the majority that Min's professor didn't deserve her, I personally didn't think Min deserved Yuna in that respect either. I would have loved for Yuna to have ended up with Seyun, but regardless of the outcome, the story itself would have still be good. Here's hoping we get a side story about the professor or even Seyun if we're lucky, I'd be thrilled to read more of this story.
If It Rains Next Week
I finally realized why this artwork felt so comforting to me, it's been so long since I've read work by this author. I had forgotten all about them until a new manga just dropped by them and now I'm going back and rereading this again. Of all their short stories, this one is by far my favorite. The story is beautiful, the art is breathtaking, the scenery is phenomenally drawn, I felt like I was personally feeling the emotions of the characters while reading through this. I found myself in the process of holding back tears when I thought they wouldn't see each other again. Such an original story, I'm so disappointed that this was a one-shot, but for the author to convey the emotions, attraction, detachment, remorse, longing, regret, all of those feelings in a span of one chapter AND for it to make such a beautiful telling story from beginning to end deserves immense credit. I would love to see this story be turned into a full volume manga series, I would buy every single book.
Kanojo-tachi no Natsu
Are they swimming with their school uniforms on? Outside of that, this short story was very cute. But I guess anything from this author is cute. I'm not a fan of stories left hanging at the end for readers to come up with their own conclusion of what's going to happen, but honestly, it doesn't make it a bad read, I'm just the type of person who likes closure. Even so, I still thought this yuri was very well done. This author always does such a good job making the readers experience the emotion their characters are conveying, and above anything else, that's what I really enjoy the most about reading their works. The mood, the tone, the scenery, everything always fits so perfectly together for the story that's being told and this author has yet to miss that mark when it comes to storytelling. It's a shame most of their works are one-shots, a lot of them deserve so much more than a chapter.
You Are My Angela
Oh my God, I have a wave of emotions going through me right now! This story is absolutely beautiful, I was holding back tears over the symbolism! I have no words, it feels like even trying to leave a review is so hard to do for me at the moment because of the emotions I've expressed while reading through this. Love is such a beautiful thing, and too much love could be a dangerous weapon. You have to be willing to sacrifice for the ones you love, but even those who love you can hurt you and still love you. There is so much that can be taken from this story, absolutely phenomenal story telling, the theme of this story fit so incredibly well with an angel having their wings cut off. I really can't express the sheer amount of emotions this story sent me through, the shock, the sadness, the heartfelt moments, and the softness of the art style made this unforgettable. I've always rated this author with pretty high marks for the artwork and originality with these one-shots alone, but this story put me into a place I never thought a yuri would put me in. I don't believe any other one-shot will ever be as beautifully written as this one, I have genuine tears in my eyes. I can't put into words how stunningly beautiful this story was, this is definitely one you do not want to skip over!
Kimi no Tabegoro