A Kiss for Each Face
why not staying? kinda sad
Mayday mayday mayday!
type of mafia story to give you daily stress. and both the couple is as stubborn as rock! glad it ended well, so well i wanna drown the disgusting cousin.
One-Way Romance
WOW this is so funny and i laughed alot while reading this and the top speak so fondly but guess what? at the end of story i realized i'm SCARED for life for the sub and i wish i will never experience it. like everyone is lying and deceiving him and trapped him. so the top speak so fondly but it does not match his action like just STOP WHEN HE SAID STOP. and also the sub female 'friend' is no better like she is the one put him in this situation. this is so messed up you know, and sharing that *ss with his brother without consent and permission. trash.
Assorted Wildness