Dawn of the Dragon
I really like both the bottom and top in this! It's so rare for me to like the bottom, but he's so funny, I can relate to both so I'm sure it's ENTPxINTJ THIS IS SO CRAZY GOOD, I LOVVVVEEE HIS DRAGON FORM Ch26 Update, it went down hill supa quick... before flashbck it's ok tho
Kill the Lights
He Guanyu & Xu Xingchen
Haha this is so cute and funny. It's not a legit manga/manhwa/manhua though, it's like twitter comics. It's probably a twitter comic actually.
Only reading this because Horus is hella cute!! It's a bit disturbing and I prefer Seth with his mask on but eh.
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Takeo x Tanjiro (Dojunshi)
SOO CUTE! THIS IS MY DYNAMIC, except if only Tanjiro was a little more reprimanding and Takeo more cute... twitter comic-like!!
Cute ig. It gets kind of heavy at times but in a bad writing kind of way so I'm actually avoiding it sometimes...
The Protagonist Only Thinks About Falling In Love
MC is actually so handsome omg... I really loved the idea of him formerly being a system! I've never seen that done before, very creative. It's all going so smoothly though... those moments of melancholy Shen Yi have drive me insane with worry. I read too many apocalypse system novels... Update, I never knew this would be a multiple arc story! Arc 1 and 3 have my heart atm.
The Pizza Delivery Man and The Gold Palace
Really sweet and squealy. I really like the dynamic, let’s see how this goes! Ughhh it's getting heavy I'm scared.
Taming the Tiger