Mousou Love Harassment
This is so hilarious, and the uke is so cute. SOMEONE PICK THIS UP PLS!!!
Minegishi-san wants Otsu-kun to eat!
Ore no XXX ga Genki ga nai Ken ni tsuite
lmao the uke rly different from the stereotypical uke, I love him XD and massage therapist is hott
Knock on Wood
whew this was a real rollercoaster ride. Started off so funny I was crying every second, then got really dramatic. I'm glad it still got a happy ending while being realistic with their rocky relationship <3 and glad that hyung's terrible attitude was actually addressed. Definitely not the standard BL, I recommend it!
On or Off
I was not expecting this to be so cute and hot and addictive. omg. I can't with these two. ahn yiyoung is the prettiest. and at first I couldn't get over his eyebrows about to fly off his face but OMG Director Kang says and does the most smooth, hottest things I can't EVEN aaaaahhhh he takes my breath away istg i'd faint if i was ahn yiyoung (also omg secretary cha is best girl)
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
These two are the sweetest, most wholesome and perfect couple ever. EVER. Fight me.
Golden Sparkle