Men's Life
The story follows Yuta and Mio, two completely opposite twin siblings. Suddenly one day Yuta falls in love with a concert artist and decides to follow her to Australia, but for that he needs his sister, who is an antisocial, to take his place in the school and in the volleyball team... Can Mio take her brother's place without problems...?
Boku ni Hana no Melancholy
When Hana was a child visiting her mother' grave, she got to know a young boy named Yuzuru. He was Hana's first love. When she heard that he ended up moving away, she thought that it wouldn't be possible to see him anymore, but...?
Upon first sight Machida Yuki knows that she doesnâ€t want anything to do with Naruse Shou, but how can she keep her cool when he is a part of the basketball club she manages?
Kawaii nante kiitenai