Far from Romance
How i love the author, their works are always so beautifully written and drawn ugh currently a student so tapas, lezhin and other apps like that are just the only one in my reach but in the future will really buy all of their works gosh this is a masterpiece (well better figure out first how to buy raw mangas and to figure out how to read the text at the sites or japan shops emehahah)
Suki Na Hito Hodo
Didn't read all the text in the senpai coworkers one but the cross dressing bastard and the girl is srsly annoying, thought the role is reverse but will settle w this. There's no much drama or any twisted, or humor things, its kinda boring so it doesn't feel like harada's. Even harada's one shot containing just 50 pages or something is more enjoyable, all details are there but this...its just the art that looks like harada's. the ch6 read thru the boy's ass showing but can't really continue it no thanks im not up for that
Shigoto Suru Yori Kimi to Netai
Poorly written, but the art is nice, and it made me laugh at some part, kept reading it just because of usui-san's cuteness (and thighs )
Grapefruit Moon
Hmm first bl that i noticed that yhe charas have the same color, hate the mc's type the loud ones but i love the art too bad its dropped
Lingua dolce