xashh's manga / #Teacher(3)

Vanilla soda sky

Complete | Dangko,JJ | 2000 released
2021-08-10 08:07 marked

Form of Sympathy

Complete | Park Noduk,Park Nodeok | 2019 released
2021-08-02 11:02 marked

Hmm so this got updated already? Already thought about this but yuri you annoy me, gosh wtf dude if i can just slap a fictional chara would life be better? Jk goddamn yuri make up your mind, i thought you have a thing for your teach but u can't move on from your sis? Ugh ffs staying just bcoz i want to see the teach to be happy

Ikigami to Donor

Complete | Yamanaka hiko | 2019 released

Had potential but later on it just became cliche...