Barefoot Angel
Nervous thought its angst since the art reminded me of "dear gene" glad it isnt, and are we having a next volume??this is so-so but still i want more chaps ahhaha:(( Winter...winter?when's the winter lmfao im at tropical country so im confused its dec-march? Where is the sequel then? Why is it so slownwiebihwia
Aka To Kuro (katsura Komachi)
I thought its ai and yamato since he's in the chap 0 lolol and i dont know if it's yamato really, and there's no clarification about yukio and yamato's relationship no? It will be really heartbreaking to imagine him have to marry since the yakuza fam is going this and that, just as the tn note TT but this is a good read even tho i didn't understand most of the yakuza things hhaha
Raion Gotoki no Kuni Kara
Not that much of a plot but damnnnn luka is so gorgeous strangle me sir
Naked Sword and the Tree Peony of Black
I dont see any plot holes, gosh perfection, a break from those mangas that are flowing like the others...
Dolls Code
Not that bad as the reviews said, good read for a 10 chap manga w this unique plot, wish its more chap tho, and damn kanda surprised me watdadamz be galing mo umacting, reading those chaps i feel sorry for them, they did nothing wrong its their surroundings that pushed them to do it, bullying to the point he cant trust anyone, not giving the love and care that parents should do so he seek and thought a diff kind of love, and the twinsss oshet that two saddens me the most, they really dont have nice parents that provides them their needs, is that their siblings? If yes omydude atleast make some fam planning or wear condom smh they don't have enough resources so ofc they'll seek for it but they look for it in the wrongway thats their wrong move, the hacker one? Heheh idk leave it and kanda being made by all parts of the others is hdusbsj omy he's like a illusion all along that part is sad, it's a happy ending i guess?
Lala no Kekkon
Read just bcoz the cover looks like the someone that looks like mika from ons, but ended falling w its own charm. I hate him, why do he always force himself on pretty boy, anw the art, the visual its so great
Blue! Blue! Blue! dj - After Story