Radio Storm
Damn I love this ! Finished it even though they found peace and is happy together they're still being chased and lives being hunted. Somehow I wanted him/sak to take control of the school. Together they lead everyone and heal the world. No matter how long it would take as long as they're together and sak can fully control he's power, he could save the world without having a big till in his body.. I wanted him to be strong and heated that no one would dare to touch them. So this is the end? I don't feel like it is.. why dropped with that ending Ch. 82 ( finished)
Saiyaku Wa Boku O Suki Sugiru
Saddening it not completed!!!
Can Angels Do This?
CP from SUMMARY: Third story from the series "Dagong Igseon". Hyunjin is a low-level, self-proclaimed mediocre demon. Stuck working odd jobs in the demon realm and sustaining himself with the demon realm's soul supply packs, he decides to embark on a journey to the human world. Once there he hopes to find himself a better job and maybe finally find some ordinary humans to feed off of. Instead, he unknowingly attracts the attention of two world-class celebrities...?
The Hunter Wants to Live Quietly
Ch 18 but let's marinate it first
Black Clover