Please Save the Fox!
It's so cute, I love it very much ... I want more tbh
Steady Love
I love it, I got lots of school works and I'm stressed out thank you for this writing this, they helped me get over some stress work
Suda-kun no Himitsu
HAHAHAHAHA lol cuties every where, they could have added more ch. About them huhu
Itsuka koi ni naru made
Oh come on!!! This is so cute, I love it , I love them all!!!! Why end it there?! Huhu I want to see the reactions of their parents, their journey and tomoe's love life as I have the feeling she would end up together with their teacher... I love kazuma and chiaki tandem, it's so fluffy and green that is kinda rare for a yaoi story. Huhu I want more of this seriously
Hiyo-chan Koi wo Suru?
Oh it's so cute I love it ...
Yupiteru ni Onegai
I thought they were twins lol