03/16/23: "I exist to eradicate mankind" Is this a 'Villain' story? LET'S GOOO! Endless reincarnation sounds tiring.. and depressing.. He calls his mother annoying and loud for crying when she finally found him after looking for days.. His head is way too big for his body This talks a lot about specieism, it's so important, many humans are ignorant. The lack of respect and down right belittling of life other than human life makes me mad and sad. Youngshil had such a hard life. How it ended was incredibly sad too. He really loved his mother, i can understand how he would be a lil ball of rage after that.. This poor fuckin kid, so many horrible things keep happening to and around him.. Woahh. Lots of time skips.. hes like 60 now?! preparing to eradicate mankind. Wait wtf?? He really just lost his memory like that?! After deciding to kill all humans?? after finding a woman who looks like his mom.. I hope she won't be his mommy-girlfriend.. im mad he lost his memory. I really want his memories to come back asap, I wanna know what will happen! But he does look so happy and ignorant (blissful) working @ the cafe.. I really want to know more about the other being that wants to kill all humans too. I read this has an anime though! Ja-In just wanted to be pretty! He didn't mean to scare anybody when he glowed.. hahaha that was the best though. Ja-In, I think you are pretty and I like you! Please stop flirting with the girl who is like your mom, anyone else, please.. it looks like the story is now being set up for the MC to be a hero in love with his mum’s lookalike..?what Freudian shit is this- I wanted revenge! Now I’m sad.. Ch25 /72
A Beloved Villain
Read on Bilibili. I’m liking this so far. I like the harem that’s forming. I’m giving this 4 stars bc it’s a bit confusing, not sure if its bc the translation or the story yet though (Otherwise I’d give it 5). Okay, I think it’s both. Poor Mobius, he’s been trying so hard but just keeps being left in the dust Ch26 /51
Hero Killer
Read on webtoons. So good!
I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story