What Do I do if I signed a marriage contract with the elf princess?
06/09/21: Super cute. Looks interesting! Ch3/77
The Blood Of Madam Giselle
Revenge Is Ours
02/19/22: Maybe it's because I don't understand monogamy, But I could not understand how or why someone would and could Lie to all those women like the husband did. It almost makes it more interesting because I could hardly fathom it myself. It makes me curious for sure. I like Sonyoung's character so much, very sad and sweet, written very well. I'm so gay, I can hardly contain how much I want the wife, with the shortish black hair, to choke me. I can't believe Junseo would've hit her... I knew he was messed up but that's seriously... Yo he is in some serious need of professional help. Pretty damn good. Love the feminism!
The Duchess' Lewd Invitation