The best luck of my life
This is so funny! His bad luck is hilarious honestly. What a way to start a story though, woah.. is bro really mentally ill? It seems like it. Yeeeeahh boi needs serious therapy.. damn.. Ch38
Hyung, do you think i'm fat?
I do not like what happened at the beginning on season 2 wtf bro and the MC just sucks tbh. He’s a pretentious ass. Story is really interesting otherwise though..
Planetary Eyes
I’m curious so far. The art is phenomenal! Ch7
Cat's Suit, Dog's Tie
It’s funny That they look completely opposite to their personality. HyunJin is adorable and hilarious. SunWoo is so anxious all the time, it’s relatable. They are adorable.
Death Delayed for a Short Time Because of the Will
09/05/24: This is so interesting! And sad.. very sad.. very well written though. So he wants to kill himself after the tragedy he witnessed in the great dungeon, but he won’t until he fulfills all the requests/wishes he was given those who died there. They wanted to keep him alive, especially since he was so young, the youngest there.. this is so sad.. and so well done. (Save Ch41, 50, 54, 58 of better translation) Ch59
The ghost that lives in the doll