Zon BL
Zombie/Apocalypse. Ch /2
Very interesting and unique so far. I’m curious. Stoked for more! Ch20
Life in Captivity with a Yandere Girlfriend
Oh, lmao. Guess that worked out then, for now?
Doomsday for All: Me, Virus Monarch
No way, they can’t be for real, this is hilarious. I thought it was gonna be different, but it turned out to be really cheesy. It’s a unique plot concept, but there can’t be anyway to take this seriously. I already feel bad for the nurse and the girls and this. Wow this got so bad so fast.. it’s not even funny anymore.. Ch4
Over The Paradise
How can he believe that it’s only been two months? They seem to have devices and enough to tell what day and year it is. he even had a computer. How can he not tell it’s been 10 Years? And how does he look so young for a doctor? Before he was frozen he was a doctor, so how old is he now even? Kind of mixed feelings, but was still kinda good. Ch28
Uruwashiki Shuen
Wait that was the end?!? Well, it did actually look like that guy did things he had to even if he's messed up in the head. Misuki was already bitten when he threw her out the window. The only question is if he knew that or not. but I thought he did. Then, when he cut off Hirose's arm it was because he got bitten. Idk why everyone is freaking out about him being a psychopath when these were smart things to do. He's just desensitized and traumatized. Idk I didn’t dislike him. But it wasn’t a loving relationship ofc.
World's End Touring
Very unique and interesting concept. Ch5
When the Star Sleeps